Jeff Lerner | Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life

Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness

by Karen Rauch Carter

I got the full video course and I learned so much from it. The process was super easy to follow and implement. The only thing that takes time is just getting used to the idea of "selling" on social media, but after a few days you'll get into the swing of things, which will make your efforts more effective. - RGH

A simple and easy guide to happiness, financial well-being and improving health using the timeless Chinese art feng shui.

Feng shui promises health, wealth and happiness. Feng shui's complicated and sometimes confusing methods can be difficult to understand and use in a meaningful manner. Move your Stuff, Change Your Live is written in simple English to make it easy for Westerners. Move your stuff, change your life reveals ancient Chinese secrets that are just as valuable and important today as they were for centuries.


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