Tara Jardin Jeff Lerner Review

Meet Tara Jardin. She wants to give a shoutout to her coach Dan Martin. Dan has been helping Tara with her website and guiding her in her business. Tara feels very comfortable asking Dan questions and she’s very glad to have him as her coach. She feels that Dan genuinely wants her to succeed with ENTRE.

Welcome to another episode of Millionaire Secrets!

If you could spend 2 hours with your 20-year-old self, what would you say?

Do you have regrets? Things you wish had worked out differently?

Regrets don’t have to be something you live with forever.

In today’s episode, I talk to Bestselling Author and entrepreneur Dean Graziosi about taking back control in your life. This could be what you’ve been waiting to hear.

For over 20 years, Dean has helped start over 14 companies that have improved the lives of people from all over the world.

His mission - to help those seeking success and fulfillment outside the traditional education path.

Dean wasn’t always successful. His parents worked hard but had nothing.

He struggled through high school and college as a result of his dyslexia - but couldn’t shake the feeling that the traditional route in life wasn’t for him.

Then, one day in his mid-20s, Dean saw a Tony Robbins infomercial and enrolled on a course he was offering.

That was the beginning of his journey into the self-education industry.

For the next few years, Dean failed and succeeded many times, but every step of the way, he made small shifts in his life that had HUGE impacts.

Now he wants to share his secrets with you.

In today’s episode, Dean shares the strategies he learned that helped him become the person he is today. Tune in to find out:

How to get over the 5 Yard Line at the start of your entrepreneurial journey

The problem with only committing 99%, and the steps you can take to truly go ‘all in’

How feeling uncomfortable is not an obstacle, but your BIGGEST strength

Dean wasn’t content living life the way other people told him to.

If this sounds familiar, you NEED to hear what he has to say.

You are a whole chapter in front of your younger self. Think of all the things you would want to say to yourself if you could.

It’s not too late to eradicate regret from your life.

I’ve been so excited about sharing this interview! I remember seeing Dean on TV when I was younger - he’s one of my idols! Don’t miss out on what he has to say!

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Check Out More of Dean’s Content Here 👇

💡 Own Your Future Challenge - May 11th to May 15th, 2021 - OwnIt56.com

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Tara Jardin Review

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime Paperback – Illustrated, January 4, 2011

by MJ DeMarco (Author)

4.6 out of 5 stars

2,776 ratings

Hillbilly Batman

5.0 out of 5 stars

One of the best self-help books I've ever read

Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2015

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I've read so many self-help books lately that all seem to follow the same formula. Insert a weaseley looking guru on the cover of your book with his arms crossed, perfectly coifed hair, and a freakishly large smile that screams slick salesman and then fill the book with a bunch of generic, probably made up stories, and advice that doesn't come close to fulfilling the outlandish claims on the cover. I honestly was about to give up on this whole genre of books when a few websites I frequented recommended this book and stated that MJ was the anti-guru who laid out a no b.s. strategy / philosophy to wealth. I'm happy to say those reviews were spot on.

This book doesn't mess around and MJ quickly punctures holes through the old belief of finding a good job, saving 10% of your income, being frugal to the point of insanity, and maybe, just maybe you'll have a fortune (albeit small) when you retire at the ripe old age of 65 with hope that you won't be wearing diapers when this all goes down. His opinion is that this is a slow strategy and will only work if everything goes according to plan which over the span of fifty years (which is usually how long this slow lane strategy to wealth takes) is damn near impossible. We've been sold a philosophy that is woefully inefficient at best and MJ's opinion is that instead of focusing on this slow lane strategy we should be putting our thoughts and effort into ways that can make large increases in our income.

The plan he lays out is hard to discredit and unlike the Tim Ferriss' and Robert Kiyosaki's he doesn't ever state that exploding your income will be easy. On the contrary he states that for a relatively short period of time (years instead of decades) you're going to have to get damn near medieval on your business to get it where it needs to be to where it either generates passive income or at the very least you sell it liquidation style.

This book is really much more than I'm letting on though. There are very entertaining and personal stories that MJ talks about in this book that are pure gold and I absolutely love how a lot of what he says is very unconventional, politically incorrect, and at the very same time makes you think long and hard about the choices you've made previously and how those choices will change your future as well. To make a long story short, buy this book if you're tired of all the empty promises of four-hour work weeks, and the tales of Rich Dads, And Poor Dads. This book will not sell you sugar coated crap. It will tell you exactly what is required to build wealth and from there it is up to you to make this plan a reality. I look forward MJ's future books if he ever decides to write another one.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

This book is WORTH at least a million dollars....

Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2017

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I simply do not have words in my lexicon that are able to accurately reflect how invaluable this book is. In fact, I really debated whether I should give this book 5-stars (because it is the single greatest book on the topic I have ever read by far)...or whether to rate it 1-star (based on a selfish desire to keep this information a secret).

I have read over 20 books on entrepreneurship in the last 6 months and they all read the same. When I purchased DeMarco's book, I was fed up with business self-help books, but had to see what was causing people to leave such stellar reviews. That one decision will be remembered as the moment that changed my life.

I was wrong...I was thinking wrong, acting wrong, choosing wrong...and I had no idea! I had no idea how utterly and completely wrong my perception of entrepreneurship and life in general was until I read this book. After my realization, I looked around and realized...98% of people have it wrong, too! There is absolutely a secret (or, a bunch of them) that will put you on the path to a fulfilling life that you build yourself...and it is ALL in this book.

I was honestly shocked that someone would be willing to invest the time and energy to share this information with others; he could have quite easily sat back and enjoyed his own life, leaving the rest of us in the dark. I am beyond grateful for the time, effort and care that went into this book. MJ DeMarco gets it, and thanks to this book, now I get it, too.

If you're ready to put in the work, this book will be your streamlined map to success along the way. If you're not ready to put in the work, this book will at least open your eyes to how things operate in the business/entrepreneurial world.

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Level 100 Prosumer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Honored to be Review #1000!

Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2016

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When I tell my friends about this book, I can feel them rolling their eyes heavily on the inside. Let's be real, when you recommend a book called The Millionaire Fastlane, people expect to hear of a scam or pyramid scheme. No. This book is about changing the way you think about life and the goals you want to achieve.

If you are okay with working a steady job, collecting a paycheck, putting aside some savings, and living off those savings eventually this book is not for you. This book is for people who are a bit more ambitious and are willing to take a risk in a business venture. There is nothing wrong with holding a steady job if that is what you want, really, freedom to choose what we want according to our preferences is what makes America so great.

MJ DeMarco does a good job differentiating between two distinct paths of life he calls the fastlane and the slowlane. The slow lane is getting a job, saving up for 30-40 years and then retiring. The fast lane is approximately 5-10 years of very hard work and seeking an exit strategy at the end. He doesn't make promises about specific investments but points out key aspects your business must have to succeed such as the ability to scale up, relying as little as possible on hiring workers, etc. This is an exploration on how we think about wealth.

Again, this book doesn't show you a specific way to get rich such as Buy Real Estate! Buy this new selling kit and recruit others to work for you! No, it's more of a guidance for how you approach life and after reading it you can decide which direction you want to take your life.

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new jersey art lover

5.0 out of 5 stars

excellent book for planning a new business

Reviewed in the United States on October 8, 2019

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I am searching for a new business to start and saw all of the positive reviews on this book. I ordered it and totally agree with everyone else. This is a great book! I have read many business books, but this one is really different. It has some rough edges and atypical advice, but those qualities are what make it so valuable. You do not read all of the same "sound advice" you typically find. This book is very personal and reads more like a millionaire telling a friend his personal philosophy over a few beers. This book is a real thought provoker. The author has a very creative mind and you will find points of view in this book that you will not find anywhere else. I strongly recommend this book to anyone who wants to think outside of the box (pardon the cliché) when it comes to finding and starting a super successful new business


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Don't let the cover fool you, this is not some get rich bull crap. It's an awesome book!

Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2018

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This author is a successful internet entrepreneur and he based this book on studying self made entrepreneurs that have achieved huge success and wealth while still young 30's or earlier. In the book the author develops different commandments, strategies and debunks a few wealth building myths. At times the author is very direct in his language. If you can handle some straight talk that's a bit rough around the edges and your interest is in entrepreneurship or self employment (doesn't have to be just limited to tech) than I highly recommend reading this book. I devoured it in about 10 days! Cheers and good luck . jamin_hudson

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Mike Morgenstein

5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2017

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I have to say, I don't think I've ever experienced such a shift of opinion within the span of a book. That shift happened fairly quick at just a few chapters in, but I did at first consider (probably out of my underlying skepticism) the author to be possibly unsophisticated, bombastic, and unhelpful. But of course I read on and can now say that not only was my first impression a misconception, but I am influenced in a such a strong positive way that I can now not imagine working a job where I make money slow to get rich old (what the author calls a "slowlaner"). Though it's not the motive of the book, the underlying assumption of it is that "starting a business" is the essential way to have real wealth and freedom. I use the phrase "starting a business" to refer to doing something that provides scale and magnitude which in it's most common form is starting a business but can be something like real estate or becoming a financial adviser. This by the way, is what the author refers to as the "fastlane" because it's THE way to get rich quick, but not EASY as the author so vehemently preaches. You give up most of your time and life early, but retire early and live your dreams. A popular retort to this is that starting a business (or doing anything to capture scale and magnitude) is risky. That's absolutely true, but somehow the author was able to convince me that that risk is overblown and in the long run not much of a risk at all, as compared to getting rich slow. I would dare one to settle for a life of mediocrity after reading this text. One word to describe this book: inspirational. Please read it if you haven't. If you read it young enough, it can definitely be a blessing.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Everyone Works - Make it Worth Your While

Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2015

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Everyone who works works for financial compensation. Some people like their jobs more than others, but at the end of the day a job is a job.

Millionaire Fastlane does a great job of explaining the futility of the 9-5 if you're serious about financial independence. This book isn't about clipping coupons, getting put of debt, or 4 hour work weeks. This book is a no-bull explanation about what it takes to set yourself free.

If you've ever thought about running a business, but didn't know where to start this book is for you. I wish I had a parent, a teacher, a priest, or a coach explain what DeMarco says inside of this book, but I happened across it by pure blind luck, and I'm glad I did.

If you're reading this review you are financially minded. Buy this book, you won't regret it.

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Anna V Gass

5.0 out of 5 stars

A blueprint to building a sustainable business AND achieving freedom.

Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2019

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This book is for anybody who wants to live the dream of having meaningful cash flow and the freedom and time to enjoy it through the vessel of building a real, sustainable business. It gives you the specific building blocks to do this in a way that remains timeless. And herein lies the key that some people miss, but one that the author clearly states: this book is NOT about current websites, apps, or tools to catapult you to financial freedom. It's about the concrete, real world concepts that, amazingly, most new (and old) entrepreneur's totally miss. Apply what DeMarco teaches, and your odds of winning in business massively improve. We should all be thankful that someone like DeMarco exists, took his finite time to write this, and has shared it with the world.

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Tony Rogers Jr

5.0 out of 5 stars

Great Book !!

Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2015

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Ive read hundreds of business, financial and self-help books over the years and this has quickly become one of my favorites. Its straight-forward, NO B.S advise on creating wealth FAST.

The core message is essentially the same as the book RichDad PoorDad with a few minor differences. Both books assert if you want to be rich do what rich people do. Rich people focus on purchasing income producing assets that over time allow them to stop trading their time for money and get out of the rat-race.

RichDad says it like this - p58 "If you want to be rich, this is all you need to know. Rule#1 You must know the difference between an asset and a liability and buy assets. It is Rule #1 and is the only rule. Rich people acquire assets. The poor and middle called acquire liabilities.

FastLane says it like this p123 "The primary wealth accelerant of the rich boils down to one concept: Appreciable and controllable assets. Slowlaners and side walkers buy and sell depreciating assets that decline in value over time. Fastlaners buy and sell appreciating assets: businesses, brands, cash flows, notes, intellectual property, licenses, inventions, patents and real estate."

A few of my favorite chapters were:

Chapter 14 - The hypocrisy of gurus - which he explains how most financial gurus didn't get rich on the advise they teach. They got rich selling the slow lane idea to consumers while getting rich in the fast lane.

Chapter 17 - Switch Teams and Playbooks - which he explains the need to switch mindsets from a consumer to a producer in order to build wealth.

I also love the author's idea of wealth. Its not about the money. Real wealth is in freedom, relationships and health

Towards the end the author begins to dig into the practical how-to stuff. Providing tips on getting your business started, what business to go into, pitfalls to avoid, how to recognize business opportunities everywhere and things you'll need to learn to be successful.

There is a ton of value in this book. Repetitive at times...YES! Entirely way to long(325pages)...YES! ... An EXCELLENT book that every entrepreneur should read...YES !!

Tony Rogers Jr

Author of Visionary:Making a difference in a world that needs YOU

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Eduardo Maldonado

5.0 out of 5 stars

The best book i've ever read!

Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2019

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The analogy of the book with cars made it so easy to understand why i have been lied all my life, the slowlane, the traditional education. That needs to shift right away! Change your lane, and start speeding up with this book. I highly recommend it, it's my favorite!

It's a shame it has a new edition with Bitcoin Era, as i am also a BTC investor. Who has this edition? i would love to know what he says about it, please let me know! i don't think it would be wise to buy it again just for that... oh well.

If you are reading this, this is the best ~$15 you can invest in yourself.



Have you made your "settle-for-less" financial plan become your strategy for wealth? It's like this:

Graduate from college find an excellent job and you can make 10% savings of your salary and buy a second-hand vehicle, stop watching the movie channels, stop drinking costly Starbucks mocha lattes and pinch-pinch your way through life you can trust your savings to Wall Street, and one day, at perhaps 65 and you're retired, you'll be rich.

When you reached the age to be employed and you've been tricked by the idea that wealth is generated by blindly relying on the market's unpredictable and uncontrollable nature such as The housing market market for stocks, as well as employment market. The soul-sucking, dream-stealing doctrine has been dubbed "The Slowlane" - an impervious FINANCIAL GAMBLE which flimsily claims to bring wealth to the form of a wheelchair.

Be willing to accept that the Slowlane for your personal financial plan and your financial future will be blown in a sway on a sailboat of hope: HOPE you'll get work and keep it, HOPE that the market does not crash and HOPE for a strong economy, HOPE and hope. Are you putting HOPE as the primary focus for your household's budgeting plans?

Go down the Slowlane and you'll find your life turning into a gruelling display of the things you are unable to do against what you can. If you're not looking for an annual subscription to mediocrity but want to be a bit more adventurous, there's an alternative that can lead to incredible wealth that can burn the path to financial freedom much faster than any other road. It's also surprising that this path is not connected to employment, 401(k), mutual funds, or a life of shabby living and 190 square foot small homes. A few of the things you'll learn

  • What's the reason that working, 401(k)s, mutual funds and 40 years of frugality that isn't worth it will never bring you wealth young.

  • The reasons why most entrepreneurs fail and how you can increase the odds to your advantage.

  • The true law of wealth is to leverage this so that the wealth is bound to attract you.

  • The most important cause of poverty If you can fix this, you're changing everything else.

  • How do the wealthy actually become rich? No this has nothing to be related to a salary check or an match in 401K.

  • The math behind wealth and how a "Joe Schmo" can tap to real wealth fast.

  • The reason the guru's gods compound interest and index funds - aren't powerful wealth-accelerating agents.

  • The reason why popular guru adage such as "do what you love" and "follow your passion" will probably make you poor, not wealthy.

  • And more than 250 differences that help to eliminate poverty...

You should demand more. Find your wealth accelerator that is explosive. Enter the Fastlane and crack the code into wealth and learn how you can live rich for the rest of your life.

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Best book out there!

Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2019

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Don't let the title deceive you. This book is packed full of info that I haven't seen elsewhere. I have read all the best sellers and this book has more practical information than I could have imagined. Mind...blowing! I read this and then read his second book Unscripted. Both are phenomenal. Though I have purchased hundreds of books on Amazon, I have only reviewed two. This and Unscripted. They are that surprisingly good! Also, there is a forum associated with the books that is pretty darn amazing as well (fastlaneforum.com). I must also say that the Audible version of this book is exceptional, as it is read by the author. Give it a read AND a listen! You will add numerous tools to your toolbox. It also changed the way that I think about all the business ideas I have. Give it a shot. You won't be disappointed.

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La Femme Fatal

5.0 out of 5 stars

Hands down, the best Perspective on Business that I've read, coming up with the idea for your business is your job though!

Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2014

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I almost didn't buy this book because some of the reviews said it was just another get rich quick book with very little to offer. Actually, this is the best book on business I've read PERIOD. If you've read a better one please direct me to one that tops this one. Key word here is PERSPECTIVE. In the US we have been born and bred to be consumers. We consume quick unhealthy fast food, we consume education based on false premises, we consume pharmacuetical drugs because a doctor who's in bed with a company told us to, so naturally, we will have this short term lense that is all about me, now, in my dream location, today. This author is about the work, the process, and the mentality. You can't reach success without the right mentality and PROCESS. This is refreshing and puts everything in the right perspective. If you are simply a sales man in a fortune 500 company, the process has been spread out and all you have to do is close the sales. That's not the case with smaller and newer businesses. Process is the most important thing.

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Vatoussis fam

5.0 out of 5 stars

The Only Business Book You Will Ever Need

Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2020

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At first I wasn’t sure about this book, it honestly looked like one of those books you hear about, the infamous “get rich quick.” What I learned was that phrase is mixed with “get rich easy” but it really is possible to accelerate your business success if you understand how the game actually works. I had spent a lot of money on other books trying to figure out how I could possibly be successful as an entrepreneur and I couldn’t find the answer until I read this book. This book put it all together for me. As opposed to other books on finance that go on and on about “mindset” and “believing in yourself” which are extremely vague terms at best, this book went into actual detail on how to start a quality business that actually solves problems. I couldn’t be happier with my purchase. Thank you MJ!


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Laura N

5.0 out of 5 stars

Outstanding book, even better writer!

Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2018

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Even though English is not my first language, one of the first thing that struck me was how well-written it was!

You can tell that MJ Demarco loves writing, and that already sets the book apart from most business books out there.

It was very practical, very real, and I learned a lot.

I also love how the author really takes a stand on some ideas (the way he explains how MLM don't work for instance - always thought the same haha!).

Would recommend this book to anyone serious about business and creating wealth in their life!

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5.0 out of 5 stars

I've read hundreds. This is the best so far!

Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2017

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Unbelievably good. I've spent over a decade reading and studying tons of material, all of which don't amount to the dense, accurate, straightforward truths of this book (and then some). MJ puts together all the pieces in one simple solution, while clarifying all other variables that always leave you wondering how the heck they're associated. I've been turning my wheels in all lanes, simultaneously testing separate variables, without realizing that the fastlane is just one step away by engaging them to work together. And I am so very thankful for this read, it has given me clarity and an easy course of action. MJ you're a saint!

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Samuel Cubero

5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2019

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This is NOT a "get rich quick" book... but it explains in detail how you can "get rich quick guaranteed" if you do the right kind of work and if you follow the C E N T S laws... the Laws of Control, Entry, Needs, Time, and Scale... Brutally honest, M J DeMarco's book will first deprogram you and force you to think differently about your time and your money, so you can start to think like the self-made rich people....

This is, by far, THE best book (out of dozens I have found) to help you to think and act like a successful self-made multi-millionaire... This is no exaggeration at all... I also highly recommend M J DeMarco's other book: "Unscripted", which goes into much more detail than this one.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

A Breakthrough I Need

Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2013

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Often not a lot of people credit a book for their success, my previous success all came from finding a right book. At the age of 21, I speak no English, then I got a right book, it gets me started, and after 5 years, I was admitted in a law school in the US. Then, I found a right book, I got a great husband and receive a new life here. MJ's book is that kind of book. Read the 1st 3 chapters online, or check out his blog, you will see.

The only shortage of the book, I would said, it seems to me, is MJ's assets are mostly US dollar denominated paper assets.

The reason I raised this question is that in the late 80s in China, economy grows real fast, interest rate was double digits, a lot of people had half a million(it was a lot of money by that time), made a living by "eat interest" from the bank, that's a few thousands a months, compare to regular people only makes husbands, that's good life, but 10 years later they can no longer maintain such a life style, some of them even get wiped out. Interest rate dropped, half millions is no big deal 10 years later. New riches who buy and hold real estate take a ride of the weave of the economy boom, they earn billions, and they don't get a rat ass of earning thousands of interest in the bank.

I can say this: MJ's book will get you millions, if you worked on your business just as he said. Having millions may seems better than your situation now, but millions is really just the beginning.

For this book, it done what it has promised.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Phenomenal book!!!

Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2020

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Absolutely fantastic book. Read this one after I read MJ’s other book Unscripted; in a nutshell that one is more execution and framework and this one is more mindset and awareness with some execution scattered throughout. Ended up buying a copy for my parents too. Absolutely worth every penny! MJ doesn’t best around the bush; he calls it like it is and isn’t afraid to call people out.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Plan to be rich

Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2019

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Unlike many books that tell stories and dramatize the cretion of wealth, MJ spells out a mindset blueprint for how to think and become rich. This book has touches of stories and side notes but 90% is raw action steps and planning. Highly recommend if you have graduated past the "two dads" series and style of wealth creation books and you're ready for something heavier but still hanging out in the mindset stage.


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Rusty J

5.0 out of 5 stars

The Entrepreneur’s Bible.

Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2020

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“If you want to change your life, change your choices”... start with this book. It changed my life. I’ve been spreading the word. This a no-nonsense, incredible perspective from a man who only speaks truths. There aren’t any gimmicks here. I’ve read 100 business books and self-help books, and nothing hits as hard as this. It starts by debunking much of what we’ve been taught, then moves into practical application of ‘entrepreneurial rules to operate by’. It’s raw, concentrated knowledge, and dense with important lessons which take time to fully digest. As a result, I’m taking action. How about you?

Michael Brown

5.0 out of 5 stars

Another great book that helps to show acquiring wealth through the ...

Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2017

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Another great book that helps to show acquiring wealth through the slow lane probably won’t get you there. Made me rethink decisions I have made in the past as well as evaluate what I want to do in the future. Well written. I will read it again to keep information top of mind

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Worth sharing

Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2013

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After reading this (devouring is more like it), I bought a copy for my 15 year old nephew to start getting a future mindset in place. While he stalled on it (he's 15, remember?), my Dad borrowed his copy and also just inhaled it. With both of us praising it, my nephew finally gave it a chance and also zipped right through it.

It's not just a book of "See how wonderful I am, here's some vague platitudes, now go out and do something" - it's got specifics, suggestions, and some interesting info on how the author achieved his success. My favorite was chapter 28 - the Redline - it breaks down the usual stumbling blocks and barriers people put in their own way. I read that multiple times, and each time I came away full of purpose and motivation.

The race car analogy was interesting and unique, although, like most analogies, did become strained and overdone at points. But the book itself is an easy read, and I found it worthwhile enough to keep it on my shelf long term.

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Jeremy Sanderson

5.0 out of 5 stars

This book might be the best investment of time and money that you ever make!

Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2014

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I've been in business for myself for about a decade now, and didn't start working for myself and employing others until I was in my 40s. I wish I had read this book when I was a lot younger, and will certainly recommend it to my own children to read. MJ DeMarco pulls no punches, and the book is so much the better for it. What the book amounts to is a very clear road map for those who have the courage and determination to make the effort necessary to achieve wealth and security. For those who don't have what it takes, they will figure out pretty quickly what changes they need to make in order start on the path to success, or at the very least they will get a strong dose of reality and quit expecting miracles to happen to their finances as long as they are on someone else's payroll. What I love most about this book is that it specifically doesn't approach the subject as a "get-rich easy" scheme. It makes it very clear that getting rich requires huge personal discipline and effort, but gives the positive message that getting rich is not "just something that happens to other people", rather it is something that can, and probably will, happen to anyone who follows certain rules and takes certain actions laid out in this book. I have, thankfully, been quite successful in my own life, but my path to that success would have been a lot shorter, and the current net result a lot better if I had learned the lessons in this book at the start of my business career, not when I was already middle aged! If you are serious about wealth building, you should read this book. It might be the best investment of time and money that you ever make!

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Austin Sarwar

5.0 out of 5 stars

Must Read this Book if You want to Change your life for Good

Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2015

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This book is amazing. I went from sitting at my job hating it wasting my life watching netflix and playing video games to joining edx.org auditing harvard classes reading books everyday starting my own amazon/ebay bussiness and just completly changing how I spend my time. I didn't believe in myself before reading this book I thought the only way I was ever going to make money was to pinch pennies pay for college and hopefully find a career. This book woke me up. I know realize self education can be useful and you me anyone can create value in the world that can bring us true wealth finachal freedom. Just go to the fastlane forums read how many people have become millionaires since joing the forums and reading this book. You can be free I no longer look at the slowlane equation of time for money as a means to wealth. This book can change the way you look at life. Amazing Read can't spesak to highly of this book. Mj isnt upselling you anything and he exposes the tricks of those who promise you wealth but offer you a slowlane while the lead the fastlane to millions.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Best one yet and a great guide to wealth

Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2016

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I've read many business / entrepreneurial books and this is by far the absolute best one yet. MJ is very detailed in explaining so many aspects of creating wealth, and goes way above and beyond other books that just tell you WHY you should be rich and not HOW to get rich. Even better, it's not a sales pitch to buy another package or seminar, but real-world information on becoming successful. I would rate it 4.5 stars due to a few very minimal things, as I rarely give 5 star reviews, but I rounded up to 5 since this is the only book where I felt like I HAD to immediately re-read due so many gems and actionable-items between the covers.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Possibly the best book I have ever read.

Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2018

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In my opinion The Millionaire Fast Lane is our generations Think and Grow Rich. MJ DeMarco cuts through the illusions and restrictive group think keeping people locked in cycles of failure. Through clear examples backed by cold hard facts, MJ DeMarco illuminates the path to financial freedom. To make millions you must positively impact millions. I have read hundreds of personal development books in search of clear honest guidance, and I have finally found that guidance in The Millionaire Fast Lane. This will be a book you read over and over as you grow your business or prepare your path to financial freedom.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Don't start a business without reading this book first!!!

Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2014

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This is one of the best, if not the best book I have ever read on business. If you are thinking about starting a business, stop everything, and buy this book first. After you have read it, it will change your thinking. Since I got this book, my eyes are open and MJ made a lot of sense. I am going to teach from the material he has in this book to consult others who are looking to start a business. He answers a lot of the questions I had such as what type of business should you start, why there aren't any 401k multi-millionaires, and so forth. It is so good I could barely put it down! The information has catapulted me light years ahead in my knowledge about business. Get the book, it would be well worth the investment.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

An excellent read for everyone committed to succeed in buisness

Reviewed in the United States on April 1, 2018

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I recommend this book to everyone who is serious about going into business. It gave me a whole new perspective and point of view on the world of business. I like MJ's direct style (no sugarcoating) and especially the way he presents the information through storytelling. The story of the Pharaoh and his two sons is especially effective in communicating the hidden wisdom and making it stick in your mind.


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Daniel Harris

5.0 out of 5 stars

Simply amazing read

Reviewed in the United States on January 7, 2019

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Simply one of the best perspective changing books I have ever read. Amazingly honest advice. I love Dave Ramsey and his system but one of the most mind altering questions this book posses is 'did your financial guru get rich by following their own advice'? If you are interested in wealth or buisness this book should be on your night stand.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

One of the best NO-NONSENSE books on Wealth I've ever read

Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2014

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I'm a avid reader and have always been interested in Finance and Wealth. I have read Think and Grow Rich, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, The Millionaire Next Door, Rich Dad-Poor Dad, Donald Trumps Books, Titan, and countless others. This is the first book I've read about Wealth, that seemed to bring it down to earth so that people can relate. It's not about one certain way to wealth, it's about a mindset and a shift in paradigm. Using the analogy of cars and roads to reach your goal, it is very well-written and humorous at points. It is lengthy and full of information so you might have to read it more than once to really digest it, but it is worth the time and worth every penny. If you are not afraid to go against the status-quo, you won't be disappointed!

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Heather L.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Best Money-Making Book Ever

Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2013

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I've read tons of wealth-making books. This one is by far the best. It has many of the financial ideas of all the other books combined but explains them better and with mathematical formulas. Changed my views on life. I am buying a few copies for friends. I want my children to read this book but not until they are older as the language and stories are like a pg-13 rating or worse and my kids aren't allowed. You can learn from several of the mistakes that the author made in his lifetime without having to make those mistakes yourself. The themes of "take responsibility", "be honest", and "work hard with purpose" are prevalent. He advocates high morals and not spending more money than you make. He then shows you the road to wealth and backs it up with solid mathematical principals so you can make a great deal of money and spend it on whatever you want.

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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

MJ DeMarco truthfully critiques the poor choices many people make regarding their financial futures while ...

Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2016

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The honest perspective and realistic evaluation of business opportunities discussed in this book set it apart from the multitude of other financial development books currently available on the market. MJ DeMarco truthfully critiques the poor choices many people make regarding their financial futures while at the same time providing many steps crucial to accumulating true wealth. This book is without question the most relevant/realistic perspective I have encountered regarding the development of personal wealth. The truth is, building a sustainable financial ecosystem of wealth takes time. I only wish I had known of this book upon its initial release 5 years ago.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

read to succeed.

Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2020

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stright to the point! no games! and a life changer. mj demarco explains everything how to get rich and how they think and why most people are not rich. if your looking to travel to the matrix of financials and take the red pill this is the book! I carry this with me at all times just for re-fresher.

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Courtney Kimbrough

5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2019

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Great read. Truly the first no BS book on entrepreneurship that I’ve read. It lays out a frame work on how to be successful and beat out your competition. If this book were a course or a boot camp, it would be a week long 12 hour per day fire hose of applicable and actionable knowledge. The knowledge is truly priceless.


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Matt Zawada

5.0 out of 5 stars

The fast lane principles have changed my life!

Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2018

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Read this book way back and it was great back then and still is today, soooo I decided to buy it and read it again!

MJ DeMarco has a no BS approach in this book and does a great job explaining his ideas on how to reach millionaire status taking the fastest (not necessarily easiest) route. I recommend this book to anyone starting out on the path of building a business whose end goal is to create passive income for themselves. It will weed out many false thoughts you may have about making money and it will narrow down the space of uncertainty for you if you're still not decided on how you will proceed.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

I'm putting the family into the FASTLANE, Thank You!!

Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2014

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Bought this book, looking for some sort of map I can follow out of the BS that surrounds me. I didnt get a map, well not just a map, I got a code of millionaire ethics, code of conduct and how to identify those that may help or hinder your success. LOVEIT!! Also love that the author was a success before the book, and doesnt depend on the book TO BE A SUCCESS! That in of itself was one of the main deciding factors to even purchase the book.

I continue to read it almost religiously to find anything I may have missed before or to remind myself of timeless advice forgotten. Its like I am looking at life in Matrix code, I can immediately tell who is slowlane, who is sidewalk, just by their speech and even more so through their actions. Everyone talks a good game on how they will attain success but WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT?! wheres the plan, the sacrifice, some sort of research done to show your path is viable?1 You ask people this and they look at you as either a hater or a fool. Its almost hilarious, until you realize they are wasting time, they wont get back!

I refused to let that happen to me, so I am releasing edible tidbits to my family, especially to the older folks, used to a certainway of life. My brother is gobbling it up as if this knowledge has an expiration date.

Thanks for such a fantastic book and look forward to riding along side the author and anyone else in the FASTLANE!!

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Grant S.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Best book of all time

Reviewed in the United States on November 25, 2015

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Best book of all time! I have read it and re-read it many times. My main copy is dog-eared and high-lighted in a major way! I have bought it for a gift and recommended it many times. It is by far my favorite book. It's a game-changer. MJ is super sharp and doesn't pull any punches. If you want it straight from the horses mouth without any bulls***, this is the book you are looking for! I'm utilizing what I have learned from this book right now. Buy it now! You definitely will be glad you did.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Get this book

Reviewed in the United States on December 26, 2020

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I already listened to it on Audible but it is the book I wanted to re-read and highlight so I ordered the book too.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

I wish I read the book in college

Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2019

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The book changed my perspective on life!! I wish I would have read it in my early 20's. It doesn't give you an exact step to step solution, which you wouldn't want in a book but gives you enough details of what you should be striving for and if you should even undertake a task to achieve financial freedom. Definitely, recommend!


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Scotty S

5.0 out of 5 stars

a "must" read for all aspiring and current entrepreneurs

Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2015

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Before I read this book, I was already earning past what the author considers "big money" through a massive real estate portfolio I've amassed over a 10 year period, but read the book out of curiosity because I'd heard a few other successful people mention it. I admit, I was skeptical and thought it would be cheesy. Well, I was wrong. I agree with almost EVERYTHING this guy says. I highly recommend this book. Anyone who is listing major faults with this book won't ever have "it". If you have any interest in being an entrepreneur, drop everything else you are doing and read this book ASAP. I also recommend it for existing entrepreneurs. This book is 10x better than think and grow rich. Sorry Mr. Hill.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Better than most success books

Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2021

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Unlike many other success books, this book actually gives you ideas as to how to crack the code. It still takes capital and work, but for the most part, it can get you started on different investment industries and niches.