Reviews of Jeff Lerner on Private Youtube Channels (Raving Reviews)

There are millions of private YouTube channels across Youtube and every channel has its own aims and aspirations. However, ‘How to earn online’ or ‘ways to make online money are the hottest topics of these private channels especially after the uncertain environment created due to the corona pandemic.

And Jeff Lerner being the worldly famous entrepreneur has been discussed by a variety of private channels. All of these channels have portrayed him as a savior for all those who lost their job and were facing a financial crisis.

Some of the raving reviews of Jeff Lerner on Private YouTube channels are discussed below:

Table of Contents - Reviews of Jeff Lerner on Private Youtube Channels

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$150 MILLION IN ADS: Lessons Learned Kindle Edition

by Jason A Burlin (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

5.0 out of 5 stars

107 ratings

How could you achieve success If you took advantage of every chance that came your way?

Many small-scale businesses struggling to survive in the online market. Everyday, some businesses fail due to focusing on the wrong issues or falling into easy traps or ignoring opportunities that could have helped take their company to the next level.

Jason Burlin takes over a decade of experience in the field of marketing and overseeing over $150 million in advertising spend, and overseeing an agency that employs more than 20 employees. He divides it into the most crucial tips to take to get your company to the to the top.

With the knowledge he's acquired from his experience as a client, his clients, and his own mistakes, Jason wrote this book to help entrepreneurs and business owners identify opportunities earlier and transform these opportunities into long-lasting results.

Through this guide, you'll be able to discern past the myths and information "tips and tricks," and understand that the approach most commonly used does not always be the one that works most effectively for your business. After readingthis book, you'll leave with a better idea of what to concentrate on, the things to avoid and the best way to stay relevant no matter what the market.

Apply these principles to your business. them to your own business model and you will be amazed by the positive results!


5.0 out of 5 stars

Just the information I needed

Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2021

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“It is valuable to learn early that the right or most successful approach is not always the most popular one.”

Jason A Burlin has taken all of his knowledge, past and present success and failures, and written this easy to read book about paid advertising. One of Burlin’s first and vital lessons is how essential profit and cash flow are to a successful business. Burlin discusses the importance of understanding how to scale your business properly in order to grow your business and achieve a comfortable profit margin. This is such an important reminder and an essential tool for your small business.

Burlin teaches you valuable lessons that will help make me a better marketer and small business owner. I also particularly liked the section titled, “If I Could Start All Over Again.” I love that Burlin tells us his failures and shares how he could have done things differently and the lessons he learned.

Jason A Burlin has, once again, provided a wealth of information in a quick, easy to read book.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Lessons learned

Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2021

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Jason Burlin gives insight into the many lessons he’s learned while managing ads. There’s great info on marketing and he shares info on how to take advantage opportunities needed to grow your company.

The author gives great advice when it comes to marketing dollars. Not all businesses have a large marketing budget and have to use their money where they see the best return. Jason talks about this and how that sometimes the latest new trend isn’t the beat thing for a business. He calls us to question marketing ideas and to take advantage of what’s beat for our business needs.

The book is well-written and very easy to understand. Jason wrote the book to help business owners not make the same mistakes he made starting out. It’s a must read for all business owners seeking wise advice. I highly recommend!


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Time is Money, save yourself both by giving this book a read!

Reviewed in the United States on March 10, 2021

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After finally completing a thorough reading through Burlin's book on advertisements, I feel as if I am well versed in the understanding of it now. As a fellow small business owner, I find making advertisements very challenging and can cost a lot if you are not well educated in the process of creating ads. The best way to learn in life is from making mistakes and then correcting them. Jason Burlin shares such useful information regarding mistakes he has made in the past and many other myths of paid advertisements that cost him money and could cost you too. This is why this book is amazing because you get to learn from other's mistakes in paid advertisements and save yourself some money before starting paid advertisements. If you are a beginner in a start-up or a current small business owner, I would advise you to give this book a chance just like I did because you will save yourself a lot of money with the information provided regarding paid advertisements with great core knowledge on the in's and out's of ads. Time is money and this book will not only give you great knowledge of paid advertisements but will, in turn, save you both time and money!


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T. Halachis

5.0 out of 5 stars

Fantastic Resource For Marketers Both New And Experienced

Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2021

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If you're a seasoned marketer but still sometimes struggle with converting, Jason Burlin's short book is a great resource to bring back your focus to the most important concepts in ad marketing. This book helps navigate the frustrations of running what looks like an effective ad campaign but not seeing the kind of growth one would expect. And for those new to the game, this book also serves as a great foundation.

This book is something I know I will refer back to time to time, and some of his lessons apply to good business in general. Among many invaluable lessons, Jason stresses that as a marketer keeping your focus on existing customers even while experiencing explosive growth is key to long-term success.

The greatest lesson this book teaches is that the product you're selling has to be good, and no amount of ad spending can save a bad product in the long run. It's on the shorter side too, I highly recommend picking this up.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Full of useful advice I'd definitely put to the test on my own!

Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2021

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This book by Jason Burlin is filled with so much information you really need to to learn about for advertising and marketing. He breaks it all down step by step from the top. The way he explains the sections in this book really bring in a readers attention. As soon as I started I couldn't put the book down! This book showed me the importance of how you advertise what you're marketing and why it's so important. I especially enjoyed the section on the value of the customer because he tells you how important it is to get your product across to the audience you want it to reach and how it impacts the targeted customer audience!

As a freelancer myself, I didn't realize how much I needed this knowledge until I read this. I got a really great understanding and even took down my own notes from my favorite parts of this book.

This book is super helpful for your marketing and advertising needs!


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Amanda Fields

5.0 out of 5 stars

Paid Advertising Explained by an Experienced Marketer Who's Done It All

Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2021

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I really respect having an information source on marketing from a real, experienced marketer. So many marketing books are written by marketing majors fresh out of college offering regurgitated information with no novel ideas. Jason offers so much insight into a true advertising experience, offering information about his successes and failures. I really appreciate that.

One section that really stuck with me was "The Value of the Customer". Something I didn't realize about my business/website is that we don't pay enough attention to customers after we reach our goal with them. This book explained in detail how to calculate how important having returning customers is for your business in particular. This is just one chapter, but it stuck out to me.

There is so much good information packed into these 46 pages. Give it a chance if you need help with paid advertising, it's well worth the read.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Lesson Learned from an Advertising Genius

Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2021

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Jason Burlin is a advertising genius after reading his first book and reading this one I can’t wait to read his next book. Just like the first he doesn’t disappoint with in-depth marketing knowledge expanding insight into the advertising world. Both the first book and this book is based on real world work that Jason Burlin has done himself. This is book is great for all levels of business from small to large there plenty to learn here and master. It covers all known aspect of advertising marketing as some tricks I am trying myself for my small business. I recommend this book for any marketing student and any business to read to grow your business. Thanks for the knowledge off to the next book - I am a fan.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Professional Advice

Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2021

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As a self-employed freelancer with no business partners, it is super easy to second guess myself on my choices with marketing and promotions. I don't have any training in business or marketing, and sort of fell into starting my own company. Because of that, getting confident, professional advice that I can trust is always extremely valuable. Much of the advice in this book is new material and much of it is introductory, so it is a nice mix of information. But the best part is that any information I had already been introduced to previously was fleshed out in this book in such detail that it really reinforced my instincts and gave me the confidence to know how to choose the right things to do in the future. The book also gave some really insightful advice about digital marketing and how to prioritize my money and branding in certain areas of marketing. All in all, the book helps small business owners be confident in making smart marketing choices.

One person found this helpful


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Alexandra Antipa

5.0 out of 5 stars

Learn from an expert!

Reviewed in the United States on April 30, 2021

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Whether you are new to the world of advertising or you are a seasoned business owner, you can stand a lot to gain by reading this book. For me, it was an eye-opener, as it offered a wealth of useful information on mistakes to be avoided.

I have read other books written by James Burlin, and I find his works to be useful for anyone looking to increase the success of his or her business. Just like an experienced mentor, the author shares both his successes and past failures, transforming them into lessons anyone can learn. He emphasizes that there is no standard approach, recommending businesses to develop their brand, focusing on their target audience.

The book will help you stop wasting time and money, and you have a lot to learn from it. I recommend it to anyone who is looking to stay above the competition, interested in seeing actual results with advertising efforts.


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Pete Gault

5.0 out of 5 stars

Highly Recommend

Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2021

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Jason Burlin’s $150 Million in Ads stresses the importance of profit sustainability and intention while marketing in a small business. He doesn’t only lay out the facts of the trade, but valuable advice stemming from personal experience. The “Time is Money” chapter was especially helpful for me; I learned that keeping track of every dollar spent is vital when it comes to measuring profit. Burlin teaches that effective advertising runs on the promise of life improvement associated with the product, and as a young, active consumer in many facets of our economy, I can attest to this phenomenon firsthand.

The author also advises to “question the experts,” which I found to be honest and insightful. In the age of anyone putting anything up online, consumers need to be mindful of what we choose to believe. Although I am new to the marketing world, concepts like conversion rate and customer gross margin were easily understandable due to Burlin’s cut-to-the-chase writing style. He concludes by advising the reader on what he wish he could have done, if able to rewind the clock. I would highly recommend this to not just business owners, but anyone seeking to become more educated on the world of marketing and advertising.


5.0 out of 5 stars

Great insights and advice

Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2021

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You don’t have to think twice in buying this book, if you are still on the fence about it then this is your sign that you have to purchase it now. Jason give invaluable and important advice especially when it comes to spending money on advertising. Not all businesses can spend freely on their marketing and most small businesses have limited budgets when it comes to advertising. You have to pick and choose or spend your money wisely. Jason gives great real-life advice when it comes to that. The book might be short but it is packed with information that you will take and run away with. Majority of the discussion revolves around social media advertising which is the trendy topic as of the moment. Another gem of a book by Jason.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Great info and easily understood!

Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2021

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An excellent book providing a lot of insight into terms that are easily understood. I feel like most business based books overcomplicate things all the time. I don’t have a business background, I have an English degree. So when I come across terms I don’t fully understand, Google is my friend. This book is so wonderful because instead of giving you complex terminology and leaving it up to the reader to learn what it means, it’s ACTUALLY explained! Jason Burlin has the experience and expertise to make the complex info much easier to read and digest. If you want to get into advertising and marketing, or you have a small business of your own, this is an excellent way to have an introduction into paid advertising.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Great advice from a marketing expert that knows what he’s talking about!

Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2021

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It’s nice to gain knowledge & experience from someone that has been there! Within the first few pages you can tell that this author is speaking from experience. Jason Burlin does a great job of giving real details from his life mixed with lessons that are compelling and drive me to push my business to the next level. After reading this book I’ve realized several areas where I have failed in my ad purchasing. I’ve been stuck in an old way of thinking when it came to my advertisements. The author has convinced me how to shift to a new digital mind frame that will push me and my business to a whole new level. Understanding how to interpret data in a way that drives performance and places the focus on the customer like Mr. Burlin explains is exactly the type of information that makes me glad that I purchased this book. I even managed to learn some things that I’ve been doing wrong in my business, for example I’ve been improperly utilizing my calculations on Return on Ad Spending. Now thanks to Jason Burlin I’ll no longer be throwing darts at moving targets, instead I can focus my energy on the parts of my business that I love! I would strongly encourage anyone in business regardless if your an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner to read this book, you will surely gain something regardless of where your at in your career!


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Michelle Wieland

5.0 out of 5 stars

Great book!

Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2021

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As a woman trying to start a business, I can take any creditable advice I can get my hands on. $150 Million In Ads: Lessons Learned by Jason Burlin provides knowledge and advice I can use to make the right decisions. Shortly after I started reading, Burlin mentions his failures as well as successes, which really resonated with me. I’ve tried to start a business for several years and can attest that if you are not on it every day, trying to make it work, it won’t. He highlights his failures, journey along the way, and explains his mistakes, but also emphasizes that failure is normal, and necessary, to learn what does and doesn’t work in your market. He is so right!

I knew that cash and profit are necessary to a business’ success. Keeping accurate records of all your spending and earrings, with the correct metrics that Burlin explains, is vital to a business’ success. Burlin clearly explains all of this in his book. He uses easy-to-understand and real-life relatable examples to show his reader how important it is to watch what you spend and where you spend it, as sustainability should be your long-term goal. From a very young age my parents would remind me when I got overwhelmed the following: Start small and work your way up. Burlin says the same thing regarding ads and your business. Too much too quickly will cause you to fail, but not enough will do so also.

On the contrary, Burlin also emphasizes the importance of staying vigilant and not just hoping sales and profit will increase with the same strategy. Also stay current with valuable information and learn how to weed out the chatter. It is important to know what works and what needs to be changed. Burlin does a great job of that. This book is a must-read and necessary reference for anyone looking to start a successful business.


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Shopper in Texas

5.0 out of 5 stars

Practical Lessons to Grow Your Business

Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2021

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If you’re looking for a resource to help you jump-start your business, this is it. Jason details everything you need to know to build a foundation of knowledge in paid ads. He explains common mistakes such as lack of patience and expecting to profit every day, and how they can be detrimental to your success.

Jason shares his business highs and lows in this book, making it both realistic and reassuring for entrepreneurs new and old. At such an affordable price, there is literally no reason not to invest in this wealth of knowledge. His practical lessons are worth much more than what you’ll pay in both money and time.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Easy to Digest Epithets for Marketing and Advertising

Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2021

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Oftentimes in professional fields like marketing and advertising it can be easy to miss the mark from either a lack of experience or even putting too much time and effort in the wrong places. Knowing how to focus your efforts is absolutely critical and that is exactly where lessons learned from other seasoned experts becomes critically beneficial. Mr. Burlin's book does exactly this. He comes from a relatable place with this quick and dirty guide and provides meaningful advice that is clearly based in very real and personal experiences. From ensuring you have the proper resources in place, to knowing your product, to understanding the absolute value of your customers and audiences, Burlin packs a big punch in a small package and that is what makes this read so desireable. I would recommend this to folks entering this space no matter their level of experience. It is a good introduction or a good reminder regardless of where you are in this career field.


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Judson Bonneville

5.0 out of 5 stars

Valuable information

Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2021

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Another great book by Jason. He simplifies marketing in such a way that allows for beginners like myself to soak up a lot of valuable information that I would ordinarily struggle to understand from most marketing 'gurus'. The style of the book is approachable and readable and everything he lays out is easy to grasp. It's a short read, but it's so worth it! Would recommend. I especially liked how Jason lays out a lot of the mistakes that he made and the valuable lessons that he learned from them. Learning the mistakes and solutions to problems that experts made before you make them yourself is really beneficial, because you get to skip a lot of the trial and error that comes with marketing and jump straight to winning conversions in your ads.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Author would make for a great mentor!

Reviewed in the United States on March 18, 2021

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Now and then you run across a person who just knows what they're talking about. Jason Burlin is one of them. Reading through his career experiences feels like a great mentorship.

For me, the most useful tool, was the chapter on how data can be misleading. Research can be very time consuming and tricky to read to begin with so it is important to fully understand what you are seeing. I found this simple to understand in the way it was presented, which can be said about the rest of the book as well.

$150 Million in ADs is a fundamental research tool in advertising. Highly recommend it!


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Nicely Structured, Useful Information

Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2021

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I was very surprised at how many different topics are touched on in this. It ranges from branding, having an effective product, cashflow, identifying misleading data, knowing competition, and even goes into how you should question the "experts." As a small business owner and an author myself, advertising my product is up on my list of important to-dos. Branding is essential as well. So to get advice on how to make them all click, truly helps. I also enjoyed the customer value formulas as well. It made me realize that I need long-term customers who continue to buy products, and reveals secrets on retaining that customer loyalty. Recommended for anyone with a business or a brand.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Practical lessons

Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2021

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This is a great practical guide and quick read that every business owner can learn and re-learn from as they seek to effectively market their products. Jason encourages every business owner to truly reflect on their product and the way they are presenting it to the world, with the knowledge that sometimes it may be the product, itself, that is the problem.

The overall message that really shines through is that of practicing observation( something that is very possible in the internet driven world where so much information is at our fingertips). Observing your competitors so you can see areas where you are weak or discovering a way to present your product that may sell well; observing how much you are spending on advertising so you don't spend more money than you are making; observing how much time you are putting into marketing your product with the knowledge that time is money; observing your customers so you can best serve them and create a loyal returning customers which is the best source of steady income; observing patterns so you don't miss great opportunities.

While there is no fool-proof marketing plan and mistakes are inevitable, practicing observation can help you on your path to becoming and staying a successful business owner.


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Alora R.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Definitely worth the read

Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2021

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Maybe it’s because I also use Upwork and know that you have to start off small to make it big and be motivated to carry on despite setbacks, or maybe it’s because I truly felt a connection to Burlin’s words, but this book hit differently than other advertising books I have read.

Not only does Burlin deliver a realistic approach to online advertising, but he reminds us that this business does require work. Too often, I have seen these motivational books that are determined to tell you that anyone can do it if they try. But this one is different. It acknowledges the research you have to complete, the reflection you have to do when it comes to your product, and the competition you will inevitably face. With $150 Million in Ads: Lessons Learned, you get the full scope of what it takes to make it in the online advertising world.

Unlike many other books about advertising techniques and how to be successful, this book reminds us that we are targeting human beings. Advertising is about selling a product to people, and I appreciate that Burlin acknowledges that fact. Even though online paid advertising is done with technology, I feel we all too easily forget that we are selling to actual humans.

Whether you are a new professional entering the market or a seasoned advertiser looking for a new perspective, $150 Million in Ads: Lessons Learned is worth the read.


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Nehal Aryaan

5.0 out of 5 stars

Lessons Learned is an Excellent Read - Highly Recommend!

Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2021

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Mr. Burlin’s advice hit me immediately! As someone who does InstaCart as a side hustle, I realized that setting daily goals is arbitrary compared to weekly or monthly goals since it ebbs and flows - this can be applied to so many different sectors and jobs. Further, algorithms tend to skew towards certain metrics - like time of day, this made me think that I should really concentrate my IC side hustle work on weekends and evenings to maximize my effort to compensation ratio. Also, his advice on how marketing platforms advertising can change quickly [FB as an example] - rendering efforts useless over time - is a great example emphasizing the need to be agile and adaptable in today’s economy – particularly in the online advertising and marketing space.

His advice is directly applicable to people in all different types of work and life situations, with a particular emphasis on the advertising and marketing world.

Highly recommend!


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Krissy A. Waters

5.0 out of 5 stars

A Concise, Honest Guide to Paid Advertising Success for Business Owners

Reviewed in the United States on November 24, 2021

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$150 MILLION IN ADS: Lessons Learned is a concise, no-nonsense guide to the path of paid advertising management success. In this book, you will find clearly detailed checkpoints for every paid marketing plan that are commonly overlooked. Burlin provides upbeat, down-to-earth advice that includes no get-rich-quick schemes, but rather how to succeed through perseverance over time. $150 MILLION IN ADS: Lessons Learned is a personal accounting from over a decade of experience of overcoming doubts and struggles in the field. You will find tips to interpret misleading data and navigate potential pitfalls. Very straight-to-the-point and easy to understand, Burlin details the importance of the power of branding and growing a brand with an exceptionally honest take. 100% recommended read for any entrepreneur or business owner seeking to expand their business.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Straightforward, with plenty of useful business advice

Reviewed in the United States on September 17, 2021

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Straightforward, with plenty of useful business advice

I’m new to the world of freelance writing, and without a background in marketing I had trouble figuring out exactly how to build myself as a business. Jasons writing style is straightforward, easy to digest, and makes a potentially difficult subject easy to understand. He breaks down terminology, and uses graphics/real world examples that help illustrate his points.

Jason touches on a lot of things in this relatively short read- from building client loyalty and getting your customers to buy more, to the importance of branding and time management. It gave me a lot of insight, and I feel much more prepared in moving forward. And I must say, I really appreciate his point of view. (I’m a fan of anyone who encourages you to do your own research and question the experts)

If you’re a small business owner looking to take your marketing to the next level, or just starting out (like I am) I can't recommend this book enough. There’s a lot of excellent advice, and for only $2.99, it's a great deal. Time is money, and the time spent reading this was 100% worth it. I’ll be checking out his other books soon, and can’t wait to use what I’ve learned and apply it to my freelancing career!


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Understanding marketing dollars...

Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2021

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This book is an easy read for those with no business/marketing background. The author shares insights he learned managing a $150 ad campaign. His goal is to help business owners avoid the mistakes he made through the years.

It's difficult to know how to spend advertising dollars, especially for those companies that don't have a large marketing budget. The author helps business owners understand which types of advertising may or may not work for them. I recommend this book for anyone wanting to understand more about marketing and ideas for spending advertising dollars.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Easy to read and great marketing tips!

Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2021

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I originally bought Burlin's other book, Win at Paid Advertising. I liked it so much that I decided to go ahead and buy his other two books! This one was shorter than the first and was a quick read, but it was packed with useful tips and information. Every topic in this book is broken into easily-digestible chunks of information that are easy to go back and reference while conducting your own marketing/business research. I love that he uses straightforward language that is easy to understand, even for beginners!

As someone new to marketing and the business world in general, I really appreciate Burlin's use of personal stories to make his points. He doesn't hide the fact that he failed many times when he was first starting out and that. However, he makes it clear that with time and persistence, he was able to build a highly successful business model. I think this is a very realistic outlook and it is important to appreciate and even expect failure at some points along the road to success - it is key to learning! This book not only gives readers an overview of key online marketing concepts but also provides them with the right attitude and framework for turning their ambitions into tangible outcomes. Overall, it is a great, easy read and I recommend it to anyone looking to supplement their learning journey!


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Elizabeth Hall

5.0 out of 5 stars

Highly Recommend

Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2021

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I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to start their own business or anyone in the marketing industry. Moreover, I think it’s an engaging read. The book isn’t long as its ‘writing is concise and straight to the point. There’s no fluff; instead, it’s filled with important insights and recommendations from the author’s past experience in paid advertising. I liked how the author infused his writing with his own story to show us just how he came to these conclusions and realizations. I think it’s a good read for anyone looking to start out their education in marketing and/or business, and even for those that already have experience in the field. This book will definitely give you the guidance you need to help you save and make money in your own business.


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Malaika King Albrecht

5.0 out of 5 stars

This book was wonderfully educational.

Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2021

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$150 Million in Ads: Lessons Learned is a delightfully educational book about the marketing world. It was exactly what I was looking for as a small business owner. It didn’t oversell and under-deliver, as I am walking away from reading this with a much clearer idea about how to advertise successfully! It was easy to understand and you can tell that he put a lot of care and effort into writing this how-to-guide for seeing advertising results.

This book would be helpful for both beginners and intermediate entrepreneurs alike as he explains not just the basics but interesting approaches that I had never thought about before. What I particularly liked was how he explained not just what to do, but what to think more critically about/steer clear of. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who needs more clarity and focus around marketing their business!


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5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2021

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“You never open your mouth, until you know what the shot is.” -Al Pacino, from Glengary Glenn Ross.

I worked as a manager for a successful brick and mortar for a decade. I knew the industry in and out. Now starting my business, I wasn’t sure how those models translated into the world of e-commerce. This book lights the way. Taking a lifetime of trial and error, Jason A Burlin offers his wisdom and integrity, imparting the knowledge he learned the hard way. Such an easy read. I poured through it in one sitting. Applying the figure of speech, ‘time is money’ to literal terms, this resource lays foundations built from systems approaches, ensuring you’re neither throwing money away nor leaving it on the table. A guide towards zero waste, and full sustainability, backed up with hard data. I had to read several books before I discovered this guide. Exactly the information I was looking for. To the author, I say thank you for showing me the way!


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Clear, concise, and packed with no-nonsense information!

Reviewed in the United States on March 12, 2021

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Jason Burlin knows paid advertising and it shows. He shares his successes, as well as past failures, with refreshing honesty. He details the pitfalls of online advertising and provides practical solutions to avoid them, including understanding customer lifetime value and knowing your bottom line. He underscores that the quality of your product is fundamentally paramount to everything. You can pay for ads and drive consumers to your site, but you cannot grow your business marketing a lackluster product. As a novice, I appreciate his candor in emphasizing that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, you need to carefully and consistently curate your brand to appeal to your target audience.

A valuable and insightful resource… highly recommend!

Patrick Nicholson

5.0 out of 5 stars

Highly Recommend!

Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2021

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An insightful and valuable resource. Highly recommend!

It is clear that Burlin knows advertising. He shows his knowledge and experience throughout the text. His writing is clear, concise and devoid of the junk that other writer’s in the industry fill their books with. Burlin shares both his failures and successes with the reader while giving a thorough explanations bout what went well and what didn’t. As someone who has merely intermediate experience in the sector, I found his writing informative and insightful. He was very open about his experiences, giving the reader a personal connection to the ideas presented. One aspect Burlin reiterates thoughout the book, and that I appreciated, is the need for product quality above all else. He explains that a lackluster product will overshadow any success in marketing. If you are looking for solutions to some of the most common pitfalls in paid advertising, this book is a must have tool.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

A must read for anyone looking to sell themselves effectively!

Reviewed in the United States on May 6, 2021

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Jason’s book has opened my eyes. As someone who freelances for a living, I have been hard pressed to sell myself at every given opportunity, and have often been asked to pay for marketing and ad campaigns. I’ve always been skeptical, I’ve never felt well versed enough to take on an offer like that, and I feel that it’s always been something that’s holding me back.

The book starts off explaining the way advertising was done before the age of social media, and how it seemed like such a hands off experience for small business owners, making it imperative to hire an agency to handle such tasks for you. The following chapters do an excellent job of explaining, in great detail, the new process. It’s not as difficult as you may think, and Jason takes great care in providing technical terms, mathematical breakdowns, and goes so far as giving you a plan to get the basics done for yourself.

I believe that the most valuable aspect of this book is that it’s written to include how social media has changed marketing and advertising, and provides strategies on how to use it to your advantage. Many other books in the same vein provide statistics and numbers, but they don’t factor in the way the world really works. Jason did a fantastic job here, and I’ll be on the lookout for other books that he’s written or published along the way.


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Tiffany Krause

5.0 out of 5 stars

Concise and Useful Read

Reviewed in the United States on May 4, 2021

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I like how the learning to persevere message applies to not just the concept of advertising but to life in general. I think this book has some useful information whether you’ve worked in advertising and marketing for a while or if you’re a small business owner trying to expand your reach. The author uses personal stories and experiences to explain concepts that are relevant to business owners of all types. I didn’t have much solid advertising knowledge before reading this, but I feel better equipped after reading this book.


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hannah keepers

5.0 out of 5 stars

A Marketing Expert Who Says it as it is: Understandable, Amazing, and Life-Changing!

Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2021

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As a beginning freelance editor, I tend to forget about the importance of marketing my services in a way that appeals to clients. Although I am not selling a product, I found Burlin's book extremely informative. In several chapters, he highlights the importance of being observant of yourself, your product, your customers, and your advertisements. He argues that you must be aware of the whole picture in order to fully understand how to advertise your product. He displays all of this information using words that the average person can understand. You do not need to have a background in math, marketing, or even quantum physics to understand this book.

I am very excited to practice being mindful in how I advertise my services as a freelance editor. I already feel more confident in my abilities.


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M. Ann

5.0 out of 5 stars

Short, sweet, and everything I needed!

Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2021

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Pretty much anytime I see Jason Burlin named as the author, I know I am in for a good read full of helpful information. $150 Million in Ads: Lessons Learned is no exception! I learned what to keep my eyes on, what can go on the back burner, and what can get thrown away to ensure my small business is a fierce competitor in its market.

I struggled, really missing that ‘oomph’ factor to take my business to the next level. This book helped me figure out what was lacking and taught me how to profit from the past mistakes I made, turning my failures into minor missteps. For the first time in my career, I felt like a true entrepreneur with the information I learned and implemented into my business! As soon as I finished this quick read -- in one sitting, I knew I suddenly had a few secret tricks up my sleeve. And I didn’t regret putting them directly into my marketing plan.

If you’re struggling to get your business off the ground to success or even think you may need a helpful tip or two, grab a copy of this book today. You won’t regret it!


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Kathryn Creger

5.0 out of 5 stars

Invest Your Time in This Book!

Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2021

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I am neither a business owner nor in marketing, and I found the book to be both appealing and informative. Burlin has written his book in a manner that is easy for consumers of all walks of life to read. One area that stood out to me was the importance of recognizing competitors in areas businesses might not have initially recognized.

Time is a key point in this book. For anyone who is either thinking of starting a business or whose business is struggling, this book is an investment for you. The resource of books is often overlooked. Don’t make that mistake here. Jason Burlin’s $150 Million in Ads: Lessons Learned, is a book that anyone can appreciate.


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john w

5.0 out of 5 stars

Extraordinary Return on Investment

Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2021

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Buried under the loud noise of digital platform chaos, even the most experienced and successful marketers and entrepreneurs can lose their edge and focus. $150 Million in Ads presents clear, easily accessible, and action-oriented reminders of the dynamics underlying every successful venture.

Some of the principles presented reminded me of the legacies of the great "no-frills" marketers of the 20th century, guides like Jay Levinson, or Jay Abraham. Jason takes those essential frameworks and translates them into the world of digital marketing. From the perspective of my 20+ years as an entrepreneur and business owner, and whether your venture is thriving, crashing or somewhere in-between; the ROI for studying and applying the practices and points of view Jason shares can be enormous.

If there is one shortcoming in this book it's that there isn't (yet) a workbook with case studies and exercises. I'll look forward to its launch.


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Jeff H.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Unthought of ways to grow your AD business!

Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2021

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Jason is the man! He breaks down keys to success and failure so that the average laymen (me) can understand. He breaks down his hits and misses so that new and seasoned entrepreneurs both can understand and learn from his paid advertising structure.

This book was worth every penny. Easy to read and understand I just wish I found it sooner! If your looking for the book to help start / save / or recalibrate your business - this is it. 5/5 stars


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Chrissy Hershey

5.0 out of 5 stars

Very Useful Marketing Advise - Even for experienced marketer

Reviewed in the United States on November 24, 2021

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Great read!! This book has already made an impact on my marketing!

I have a small business and have been reading tons of articles online that overcomplicate the advertising process. This book is a quick read and really helped me feel more confident in my marketing plan. Jason Burlin goes over a lot of the complicated terms I struggled with and various campaign styles. Even after having run several marketing campaigns, I learned a lot of useful information. He goes over the essential basics such as how to interpret the campaign data, understanding and maximizing ROI, understanding the value of each customer, conversion rates, effective branding, loyalty programs, and a lot of other areas of marketing I struggled with or did not consider. The book provides tons of value in just a short read. I would definitely recommend reading it. Even if you are an experienced marketer there is something that can be learned from Burlin.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

It was a great book!

Reviewed in the United States on May 7, 2021

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I’m glad that I bought Jason Burlin’s book. It was enlightening, and I know it will help me with my business. He has a lot of experience in marketing. He has learned a lot along the way which he shares in the book. I like his take on how important social media is in advertising. I also learned a lot about paid advertising. I know that knowledge will be helpful to me. Paid advertising has changed a lot over the years, and it isn’t as difficult as it used to be.

Cashflow and profit are important in business. Running an online business, which is what I do, is not easy. But he offered many useful tips. It’s good to have goals that make sense and that are attainable. It’s not always possible to make a profit every day, but that’s okay, as long as the business is growing.

Building a brand takes time. But it’s worth it in the end. He explains how to build a brand in a very simple, understandable way. I learned about the important of a customer’s experience, and I learned how important it is to size up the competition. It was a great book!

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Great book!

Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2021

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I really loved this book! The author, Jason Burlin, has such a realistic approach to his marketing books and writes in a way that is accessible to marketing beginners and more experienced readers alike. The book covers a range of topics, each of which is easily and immediately applicable to business. You can tell that the author has worked hard to get to his level of marketing and clientele, and truly wants to help others now by sharing his insider tips. He put in the work and learned the lessons, so you don't have to make the same mistakes most beginners make. I own a small business and found his techniques easy to start and follow. I highly recommend this book to anyone!


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Great book for beginners!

Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2021

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As a newer multi business owner, I really liked reading this book! We all know marketing is important but as a business owner, it's non-negotiable, especially in our digital age. We also know that owning a business, especially in the beginning, can be super overwhelming. The author did a wonderful job explaining why we need to market and then how to market, without it being overwhelming. He provides a lot of great strategies and tips. I only wished I could have read this sooner!


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Another Excellent Resource!

Reviewed in the United States on September 12, 2021

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This is the second book I’ve read by Jason A Burlin and suffice to say I’m just as impressed as I was with the first. Burlin takes business marketing to the next level, bypassing typical and popular advice and focusing on tangible recommendations.

Unlike other “build your own success” and similar books, Burlin actually focused on helping YOU build YOUR success, rather than build their own success under the facade of “helping” you. Burlin actually wants to teach you and offers insider wisdom that’s hard to find.

As someone who’s building their own business, this book has been another wonderful resource to add to my library and I would recommend this to anyone who’s just starting their first business or well into entrepreneurship. This book will teach you what to avoid so you can take advantage of opportunities you might otherwise miss and help you recognize when opportunities present themselves.


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Areej Shoaib

5.0 out of 5 stars

Great lessons from an expert

Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2021

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I really like Burlin's writing style. It's easy to read this informational book without getting bored which is rare for many Marketing books out there. The reader does not bore you with tons of digital marketing jargon-- he explains it all really well when it gets complicated. I also loved how Burlin was honest about his experience building his online business (and his wife's), and all the hurdles they had to face as a result. It really itsn't easy and Burlin is honest about what it takes. The book is, as the name suggests, has tons of useful advice that the author has learned the hard away in his extensive online marketing experience. Being someone who is intimidated by paid advertising, I am really glad I picked up this book. Great read!


5.0 out of 5 stars

A totally fresh and digestible perspective on marketing

Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2021

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This book provided me with a perspective on advertising which will absolutely influence how I run my business going forward. Burlin brings content from a variety of viewpoints including human psychology, market research, and his own tried and true experience to provide the reader with insight on how to achieve success in an evergrowing marketplace. Burlin's book is short, but oh so sweet. I plan to refer to $150 million in ads as I scale my online business (the principles that Burlin suggests we abide by are as valuable for a tiny business as they are for a large one.

The ways I learned to think about advertising through reading this will stay with me. The technical elements of the book were made understandable, but not dumbed down. The ultimate lessons I took away from reading this will stick with me, I'm sure. This book does a great job of giving the reader a ton of information, without overwhelming them. I'm excited to see how my profits change as I begin to implement the practices that Burlin lays out.
