Awesome Press Releases About Jeff Lerner
The press releases from news sources also play an important role in either assessing any business or spreading positive WOM. While analyzing different press releases across different news sources for writing this review, only positive and good reviews were identified.
Table of Contents - Jeff Lerner Press Releases from Around the Web
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The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly Paperback – Illustrated, May 5, 2020
by David Meerman Scott (Author)
4.5 out of 5 stars
7th Edition of groundbreaking guide to getting noticed to your business or idea filled with fresh and up-to-date details
Within our Digital Age, marketing tactics appear to evolve every day. As the methods we use to communicate evolve in line with the most recent trend in social media latest online videos, the latest mobile applications and other technological influences could be like a huge challenge. How do you prevent your service or product from being hidden in the digital shuffle? This seventh issue of The New Rules of Marketing and Public Relations gives you everything you need to directly address your target audience, create the most of your personal connections, and get the most effective kind of attention for your company.
A bestseller that has been translated into more than 400,000 copies sold across twenty-nine languages, this groundbreaking guide offers a tested and step-by-step strategy for harnessing the potential of technology to get your message heard by those who need it at the right moment. You'll learn the most up-to-date strategies for highly effective public relation marketing, marketing, and customer communications, all at less than the price for traditional advertisements!
The most current version of The New Rules of Marketing & PRhas been thoroughly revamped and updated to offer the most innovative and cutting-edge strategies than ever before. The updated content teaches how you can harness AI machines and machine learning in order to simplify repetitive tasks so that you can concentrate on your strategy for marketing and PR. The world is already AI-aided. Your marketing should follow suit! The definitive guide to what's coming in the field of marketing, this essential source will guide you:
Implement the latest rules to stay ahead of the curve for digital marketing
Create a strategy for making your public and marketing relations live by incorporating strategies such as newsjacking that can generate instant attention whenever your audience is waiting to hear about your company.
Utilize web-based technology for communication to the fullest extent
Get valuable insights from compelling cases studies and practical examples from the real world
Profit from marketing opportunities through platforms such as Facebook Live and Snapchat
Seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and Public Relations How to Utilize Content Marketing Podcasting and Social Media live video, AI and Newsjacking to connect with buyers directlyis an excellent guide for business owners, entrepreneurs marketing professionals, PR experts and managers from businesses of all types and size.
The definitive guide for our times
Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2013
I am a marketing professional, and this is the book I don't want my clients to buy! I was a journalist for many years and then worked in a government PR position and in both capacities was inundated with tons of useless expensive PR junk assembled by Madison Avenue PR firms at great cost to their clients. I laughed at nearly all of it. I wish I had saved it to show my current clients as examples of how NOT to spend their money. When I read the first edition of this book back in 2009 it was like a recognition of everything I knew and practiced. It was also a validation of my beliefs about the junk I was receiving when I worked in journalism and government. Fast forward four years and times have changed even more, to the point that I found I needed help sorting through all the options now available, especially blogs and social media. Like the first edition, the second edition of this book is my favorite reference book. No telling how much money it's helped me make for me and my clients.
17 people found this helpful
Definitive contemporary marketing book
Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2021
Use this as a text for a college marketing class. Excellent info! Spot on and really great, applicable theories. Also enjoy his videos online
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2020
Rooted with tons of examples and great underlying principles! Applies to any and every business out there who wants to actually impact their sales.
2 people found this helpful
Perfect if new to marketing tactics
Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2021
I thought this was the perfect resource as I think through marketing tactics in my new role at an e-commerce first company. Very thorough and incredibly helpful. I highly recommend it.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on February 5, 2013
As a designer I always try to learn new skill sets to provide to my clientele. Usually I am bored stiff with what's out there regarding marketing techniques. The read was easy to follow with great case studies. His writing style makes it easy to digest while providing great information to the uninitiated. If you are looking to gain a better understanding to better promote your business this is a must have. After alot of research on similar books I found this one to be the most informative without sounding preachy. Much has changed since I started out in my design / marketing career and this gave fantastic insight on the best way to strategize your business practices. Highly recommend.
3 people found this helpful
Why Reaching Traditional Media Is Not Enough
Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2011
As David Meerman Scott explains very well and detailed in his book "The New Rules of marketing & PR", companies have the possibility to reach out directly to consumers through the new media, without necessarily gaining attention of journalists, traditional gatekeepers of information for the masses, or buying expensive ads on radio, TV and print outlets. In an easy-to-read an entertaining way, David gives a complete round up on the use of social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases and viral marketing techniques to reach the buyers directly.
I found very interesting the concept of "buyer persona", the buyer profile every company should come up with before to decide the communications strategy. Indeed, very important thing is to focus time and money on those platforms and channels where the buyer personas for a specific product are. There are too many tools out there, a marketer should pick just the ones that matter for that company.
I would recommend this book to all the PR and marketing pro that want to get an overall description of the challenges and new opportunities marketers face with new media. Highly recommended.
6 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on November 20, 2011
Although this is my first Internet Marketing book, I gotta say it was an excellent book as it gave me a nice mapping on how Internet Marketing works by not only giving me guidelines, but also answering one of the questions I had about 'not-having-a-product' to market. In fact, it even answered questions that I didn't know I would have had, had I not read the book. It is not just a conceptual book, but I find it as a useful start-up workbook to refer to as I begin building my business model... Thanks Dave! You're awesome and I look forward to purchasing more of your books!
2 people found this helpful
Nothing Short of Transformative
Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2012
David's book has totally opened my eyes to the potential of the internet for marketing, I was completely unaware of the possibilities until I came across this magnificent book.
Our company has always grown through word-of-mouth; The New Rules showed me that the techniques he advocates are word-of-mouth on steroids. I can truly say that we have tapped into a gusher.
The book is well laid out, and well written. It is not full of technical jargon or programing-ese; those would have scared me away. In fact, the book steers the reader into use of services and applications that are incredibly user-friendly. I am amazed that the social networking tools he got me using were so well integrated and thoughtfully designed.
This book is nothing short of transformative. But caveat emptor: While David leaves no stone unturned helping the reader understand and use social networking, the real work is up to the reader to set things up, and to provide valuable content for users.
Thomas Mulholland
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2011
David Meerman Scott has always been a great inspiration to me. I read his blog and I've seen some interviews with him. His ideas aren't revolutionary but they are still very useful. Many people know the traditional marketing mediums, newspaper, billboard, television and so forth. What he suggests in this book is how use these traditional advertising ways along with the new ways available on the internet. For people in marketing, advertising and especially people running their own business this book is a must read. He touches on blogging, search engine optimization, web site building and such, so you can be an effective marketer on the web and reach your buyers where they are looking for you.
Definetly buy this book. It could help you in many ways
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2011
Yeah this book literally changed my life. I bought the original version in 2007 while studying tourism in University, read it and it changed my whole outlook on marketing and other things. As a result I started blogging, found my voice and my blog grew. That was in my native language of Icelandic and a few months later I started blogging in English. Both blogs were about fishing in Iceland. Soon after I started blogging in English I started getting enquiries about fishing in Iceland that resulted in me starting a travel agency that specializes in fishing trips in Iceland. I bought this updated version as I was putting in some more marketing efforts for the agency that has grown a lot in 3 short years. I give this book my highest recommendations.
The best book on this topic, ever
Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2012
You can't do any better than DMS. This book explains Social Media in an easily understandable way. It's easy to read, clear and completely filled with useful information. I recommend and buy this book for everyone, and buy as gifts for anyone considering learning Social Media for business..
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2012
I am reading this book for my eMarketing class in grad school and so far it is one of the best "text books" I have had to read. Scott is a great writer and inserts lots of fun stories within the writing. The book is also written in a more conversational tone making it an enjoyable read.
I highly recommend this book - it is great for both seasoned pros and individuals new to eMarketing.
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2020
Decent book
Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2011
This book is good to have if you are a writer planning on marketing your craft on the Internet. Lots of useful information. But not an easy book to sit down and just read. It works better as a reference book for locating specific topics in a time of questions or uncertainity.
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on May 11, 2013
The book delivers the information needed with many clarifications and examples to provide the foundation necessary to mount an effective Marketing and PR campaign on the internet. The book is great for beginners to catch up on the meaning of terms, and to learn from Scott who has walked the talk. I was filled with ideas and possibilities, along with a greater understanding of the real tasks ahead. I can now better direct myself and others as we implement many of the strategies and methods described in the book to get our brand and message to our global market.
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2016
Really enjoyed the casual tone of writing. Easy to read and very helpful.
One person found this helpful
The New Rules of Marketing & PR is a Great Education on Marketing
Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2011
The New Rules of Marketing & PR: is well organized and very informative. It not only gives examples of how the various media work but it also includes examples of how others have used these media resources successfully. It explains the advantages and best use of the various media resources.
3 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2016
All davids books are great. I always learn the latest technique and I love that he sites examples
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2020
Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2013
I bought this as a text book and it came looking just as described. Good book for general knowledge as well as class use.
2 people found this helpful
Good Seller-helpful text on this topic
Reviewed in the United States on February 27, 2012
Easy to read, very relevant to today's world of social media. Experienced author, new additions to text regarding implications of authorship in a digital world.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2016
Great it.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2014
Book came in perfect condition.
The New Rules of Marketing & PR is a Great Resource
Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2012
The old and traditional ways for marketers to establish productive relationships for their company with customers, buyers, are no longer aligned as the most advantageous for target marketing and strategic positioning of products or services. Expensive advertising and media relationships through public relations are no longer necessary due to the instant exposure that can be available to a company or organization through the affective utilization of Web tools which are available to them for free. Of course, good content is still the driver for action to be taken by a company or organization's intended audience segment.
I found The New Rules of Marketing & PR How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases & Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly by David Meerman Scott to be an exceptional resource for generating thoughts and ideas for marketers in utilizing the various platforms available on the Web. I liked that Scott's book covers all of these primary Web tools available today under one cover. The case examples in the book helped to visualize the various application platforms which were being discussed. As with any strategic marketing plan, the goals and objectives must still support and be consistent with the corporate level strategic plan.
I really gained insight into having a presence on the Web in developing company blogs as well as Twitter and Facebook accounts. It was good information provided by Scott as to utilizing Google Blog Search and the Twitter search engine to know what was being written about you or your company in real time so that you could respond to any posting; whether it be positive or negative. His advice to be as if you are a guest at a "cocktail party" in your participation on social networking Websites was also valuable information. Nobody likes to stand at a party and listen to a hard sell of a product or service by another guest. You are not at the function to buy something in the first place. The same thought process is described for social media platforms. Become friends with other members through good value idea posts or just through give and take conversation on like subjects of interest. People like to buy from their friends and they like to pass on the friend's information to other people they know as well.
Overall, the information that I learned on effective use of blogging as a part of a marketing plan was very useful. Scott writes that there are four uses of blogs for Marketing and PR: "1. To easily monitor what millions of people are saying about you, the market that you sell into, your organization, and its products. 2. To participate in those conversations by commenting on other people's blogs. 3. To work with bloggers who write about your industry, company, or products. 4. To begin to shape those conversations by creating and writing your own blog." I also liked his suggestion to get to know applicable bloggers who write about your industry and cultivate relationships with them.
Touching for a moment on the effectiveness which Marketing and PR can give in a real time environment, I enjoyed the case which describes the arrest of Paris Hilton's boy friend. Ms. Hilton sent out a Tweet to millions of followers that these were rumors which were, "Ridiculous, untrue, and cruel." The point being that, "Wynne Resorts Ltd. Spokeswoman Jennifer Dunne told the Associated Press that Hilton is barred from the company's Wynne Las Vegas and Encore hotels." Since Hilton is a hotel heiress, Wynne's ban was mentioned in every story concerning Paris Hilton's situation. Gaining Wynne Resorts millions of dollars of free publicity.
I found David Meerman Scott's book to be an excellent resource to utilize for target marketing and strategic positioning. It will become a part of my office reference library to be utilized often as I work forward in experimenting with the various aspects of the new rules of Marketing and PR.
3 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on September 3, 2013
The book is quite useful! It helps me a lot on the courses. You will love it if you study communications.
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2013
David Meerman Scott is definitely one of the top writers for Marketing. I learned a lot of information on how to improve and reach more of my target market.
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2013
The author calls it the way it is. This book has Great resources and we use it as a go to periodically.
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2014
This is clearly the best marketing book that I've ever read. It's a must-read for all digital marketers. I highly recommend it!
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on July 6, 2013
I would highly recommend this book. It was very beneficial to me as I learned so many tools and applied them in class.
I rated this book A++
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on November 20, 2014
Real world concepts and strategies that are relevant and effective! Great book!
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2012
Very good synopsis or today's fast moving marketing changes. Provides good starting point for those moving away from "traditional" marketing approahes
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2013
easy to read & lots of useful info and case studies. Great understanding indeed of the potential of Social Media
2 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2013
The order was prompt and exactly what I needed thank you! I would do like to do business with you again!!!!
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2012
I bought this for my daughter for a graduate class she is takinng. She liked it because she didn't have to pay for it. I can only comment that it arrived in a timely manner and was in good condition. It is not something I would want to read, but I'm not in graduate school.
It’s given us specific strategies using social media marketing that have produced great results.
Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2016
The New Rules of Marketing & PR: has helped us grow our eCommerce businesses and take them to a new level. It’s given us specific strategies using social media marketing that have produced great results.
3 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2014
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on July 16, 2015
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2016
great biz text book on public relations and marketing
2 people found this helpful
This Book Made Me a Marketer... literally
Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2015
When I began considering starting my own marketing agency, this was the first book I read. Ignoring how inspiring it is as a call-to-action for marketers and small businesspeople to gain target market awareness with minimal funds, this book walks you through nearly every practical approach you can begin taking immediately to drive more sales in less time than it ever took you before.
What really amazed me about this book was the simplicity by which Scott uses to illustrate his points making it tangible for even the lowest of layman. Citing case studies and practical examples as he goes, he literally charts a road-map for your internet marketing and media relations success. Although I haven’t read this book in years, I’ll revisit a couple chapters at least once a month for guidance on how to best leverage a particular promotional medium for more sales, or how to better send out press releases to get published. Out of the hundreds of books about marketing I have read, this is without a doubt in my top ten. Get it today!
4 people found this helpful
Practical Guide with Relevant & Compelling Case Studies
Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2011
Play Video
I've read the other two versions of Real Time Marketing & PR and it's a book I constantly reference and refer to executives looking to find a practical way to understand the benefits of participating effectively in a new media world. I've also found that social media and new media practitioners can find value in reading the book as a guide to building a thorough understanding of effective online marketing and PR that goes well beyond Facebook and Twitter.
This Third Edition, which has completely updated case studies and examples also includes a much needed Marketing and PR Strategy Plan template designed to help people get started in a step-by-step approach to social media. There's a great new chapter on measuring your success in the new media space and highlights some practical ways to start measuring your ROI. I particularly enjoyed a section entitled "The Power of Free." - Read it, it's worth the price of the book.
Finally, David Meerman Scott's new edition includes a whole new section on Mobile Marketing that covers everything from GeoLocation to Mobile Apps and Mobile Newsrooms. You'll really like his fun new concept of Cyber Graffiti.
In short, a book that's sold over 250,000 copies and set many of the Fortune 1000 company's social strategies in motion can't be ignored. You'll really enjoy the Third Edition - even if you've read the first two.
If you know what you're doing in the social space... buy a copy for your executive team. They'll immediately embrace your activities and start championing your efforts in the new media world.
In short, you can't publish a book called The New Rules of Marketing and PR in an internet age unless it's updated to still be 'New.' David's done exactly that and it's worth the read!
57 people found this helpful
Required Reading for Marketing and PR Folks
Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2011
The best thing about this book is they keep doing new editions so David can update it. It's by far the best book for getting marketing and PR folks up to speed on the holistic changes that have come to our industry with the advent of social media. It's not only a great read with great case studies, but unlike a lot of books out there on "new marketing" and "social media" and the like, this one is written by an experienced traditional marketer who knows his stuff, has worked with a number of quality brands and clients and has some street cred.
I've recommended this book dozens of time to hundreds of people. That won't stop anytime soon.
3 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2012
As a newcomer to the world of online and social media marketing, I found the topics discussed in The New Rules of Marketing & PR to be extremely helpful. Through the use of applicable testimonials and anecdotes, David Meerman Scott manages to include readability into the text book format. Far from beating a dead horse, his tendency to include references and lessons from earlier chapters aptly serves to maintain an on-going relationship with the reader. I felt as though Scott was speaking to me throughout.
Additionally, I was pleased to study expert insights from someone who built his career on the blogosphere. As I will be responsible for refocusing my company's blog presence, The New Rules of Marketing & PR should prove to be a valuable reference.
2 people found this helpful
"Scholarly" and Fun Introduction into Internet and Social Media Marketing
Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2011
Entertaining and "scholarly" read on how the fields of Marketing and Public Relations (which the author convincingly argues currently represent a single entity) have been transformed with the advent of the Internet and social media, written in a casual, author's "own blog-voice" style.
Whether you are a manufacturer of concrete, a presidential candidate or a priest looking to reach and engage your customers, followers or fans in an effective and fun way, you will find "The New Rules of Marketing and PR" by David Meerman Scott both practical and inspiring.
While a small business owner will learn how to take advantage of the "long-tail" market phenomena and reach their niche audience, big corporations will be advised on how to put a human face on their business and marketing activities and get loyal customers without "big buck" "hype and spin" advertisement campaigns, by becoming thought leaders and honest community brokers.
Although the book's message may not appear as revolutionary as it once was (when it was first published back in 2006), it still offers a load of "fresh thinking" for marketing professionals, who might not have been fully onboard with the latest developments and the "new rules" in the field. It explains why the "old rules" no longer work in the current market place and offers concrete approaches to how to "break" them and to transform the conventional thinking of your marketing department colleagues.
The author showcases the leaders in Internet and social media marketing and provides the reader with valuable insights in how to get your audience to buy, donate, participate or join by continuously providing it with "remarkable" online content".
Finally, the book will offer you a comprehensive overview and the details on various online media platforms and the recipe on how to create your own online marketing and PR plan using blogs, podcasts, video etc.
4 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2011
I have been a web product manager for years but have always been intimidated by the PR world. As Product Manager, I always try to understand buyers' problems and develop products that solve these problems. To switch to PR, this book made me realize that all I needed to do was to start TALKING to those buyers and telling them directly how my product was giving them solutions. This book makes it super easy to start. I particularly liked the Chapter 11 to define a corporate Marketing and PR strategy and the tons of practical tips that can be implemented right away. I have been a big fan of Pragmatic Marketing for the last 10 years. I just converted to the New rules of Marketing and PR!
6 people found this helpful
A must-read for savvy PR and marketing professionals
Reviewed in the United States on December 4, 2011
David Meerman Scott provides a complete play-by-play on how to transform your approach to marketing in the digital age. By providing plenty of historical commentary on practices that used to be the norm, Scott demonstrates just how quickly marketers will be left behind if they don't adapt, as well as how foolish they are for not taking advantage of new techniques. However, he doesn't throw the baby out with the bathwater: in other words, Scott still emphasizes the importance of content, and that no matter how readily marketers can now connect with customers via social media and blogs, the content must still be the driving force behind any campaign. A must-read for our agency, Rhino PR, and for anyone practicing in this field. I'm an Account Manager with Rhino Public Relations. [...]
One person found this helpful
the world's changing, you have to keep up
Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2011
This book is incredibly helpful at helping you to keep up with today's changing environment. The world is not as straightforward as it used to be and you have to keep yourself adapted to the methods of conveying a good product. This book allows ambition to meet social mobility. It helped a ton.