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Let's get started:

Would you love to go to the Titanic's crash site?

If that's not your thing then why not take a stroll down the red carpet with Elton John.

I'd like to introduce you the man who can make these things happen.

Steve D. Sims is my latest guest.

He founded a unique company called "The Bluefish" that he describes as a luxury concierge services.

This means they will make sure you get anything you desire, and I do mean EVERYTHING.

They've seen a lot of amazing things over the years.

You can also visit their website to find out more.

Steve is the most fascinating part of this tale.

It would be expected that the person who founded this company has many friends at high levels. It would be reasonable to expect him to have a rich or middle-class family.

You would be wrong.

Steve Sims, an ex-bricklayer in London, had an amazing idea and decided it was worth trying.

Although he had never provided concierge services, he was determined to do so.

He persevered and grew his client base, eventually providing services for more and better-off clients.

The Bluefish's services are not cheap, as you might guess.

They target a wealthy demographic that you might not recognize if they pass you on the street.

(Much like Steve!

It was a great interview, as Steve truly exemplifies the concept of unlocking your potential.

He first used his position at The Bluefish to enter the room with successful and wealthy people. He then asked these individuals bluntly how they were able to become successful.

They helped him build his net worth as well as his company.

Listen to the entire episode to learn more about the lessons he gained from his super-rich clients.

You can create the life that you have always desired!

You can find more Steve's content here

Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen -

The Art of Making Things Happen Podcast

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