Jeff Lerner Review by Gary Woodson
Well, I made the mistake of thinking I could get a lot of this training for free on Jeff Lerner’s YouTube channel. That is definitely not the case in purchasing this training has been the best move of the year. I realize that there is a lot of work to do, but he has me believing that it is possible for me to create a digital agency at home or make money in the affiliate marketing area. I have some experience with affiliate marketing so we'll probably shy away from it in 2022. I'm happy to give a high-level review to what I have seen so far, if anything changes I will come back here and report it to the masses. Thanks again.
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Review by Gary Woodson
Objections: The Ultimate Guide for Mastering the Art and Science of Getting past No
Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
Jeb Blount (Author, Narrator), Mark Hunter - foreword by (Author), Gildan Media, LLC (Publisher)
4.7 out of 5 stars
There aren't many one-size-fits-all strategies in the world of sales. The context is crucial. Complex sales differ from single-call closes. B2B sales are different from B2C. Prospects territories, territories, products companies, industries and sales procedures are distinct. There isn't much gray and black in the field of sales.
With the exception of objections. There is a sense of democracy in objections. Every salesperson must go through a series of Nos before they can reach a yes. Objections don't matter or take into consideration your identity and what you're selling and how you market or if you're novice to sales or veteran. As long as salespeople have asked buyers to commit and buyers have been throwing away objections. For as the buyers' have said that they are not interested, sellers have been searching for ways to get over those no's.
In the tradition of his blockbuster best-selling bestsellers The Fanatical Prospecting as well as the SalesEQ, Jeb Blount's Objections is a thorough and up-to-date guide that challenges your brain and your heart. In his trademark straight-to-the-point way, Jeb pulls no punches and punches you on the head with the hard, cold facts about what's holding you back from closing the sale and achieving your revenue goals. He then draws you into the conversation by providing examples, stories and lessons that will teach you powerful human-influence strategies to overcome NO even the most difficult objections.
The best book ever written on the subject of addressing concerns and objections
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2018
Ask any workshop what topics they want covered and odds are handling objections will be one of them. That's why I was so excited when I learned that Jeb Blount's next book would be on addressing objections. Jeb has an amazing streak of top selling sales books - and for good reason - they're excellent. And Jeb's latest book (Objections: The Ultimate Guide for Mastering The Art and Science of Getting Past No) is no exception.
Full disclosure - I am an unabashed Jeb Blount fan and enjoyed speaking with him and others at the amazing OutBound sales conference. Having said that, I read approximately a hundred books a year and I choose to review a very select number of those each year. This is one of those books.
The Art And Science of Addressing Objections And Concerns
I know what you're thinking. With a title containing terms like "objections" and "getting past no" you might be tempted to think this is a collection of tricky comebacks and manipulative techniques to "overcome" objections. It isn't. There are no manipulative approaches that offend your sensibilities. Everything you find in this book will be of service to customers and in alignment with your personal values.
Objections has sixteen chapters that tend to fall into four categories:
- Asking For Commitments
- The Psychology of Objections & Objection Handling
- Models For Addressing Objections & Concerns
- How to Bend Probability in Your Favor
Here's What You'll Learn
Within those four categories you'll learn seven key things:
1. Where your fear of rejection comes from and why it is so difficult to control.
2. How to master your own disruptive emotions and become rejection proof.
3. Where objections come from and why buyers resist.
4. The keys to lowering your prospects' resistance and reducing the probability that you get an objection.
5. The four types of objections you get in sales and when they happen.
6. Turnaround frameworks for getting past each type of objection.
7. How to bend your win probability and put the odds of getting a yes in your favor.
What Triggers Objections?
Most objections are triggered at the moment a request to advance the sale is given. Despite that, it's not the asking of commitments that is the biggest challenge. Rather, because 50-90% of all sales encounters end with no commitment being asked for whatsoever, the biggest problem is not asking at all. Jeb outlines why asking for commitments is the most important discipline in sales. Just because concerns frequently follow when an advance is requested doesn't mean we shouldn't ask. Quite the opposite. The reason you're not getting what you what is more likely because you're not asking for what you want.
Throughout the pages of Objections, Jeb Blount maintains a practical perspective on what can and cannot be accomplished with objection handling. Those seeking a silver-bullet objection slayer for all objections will be disappointed - because there is no silver bullet. However, what you'll find within the pages of Objections is the best collection of models for addressing objections and concerns published to date. At the most fundamental level, professionals need to: Ask, Listen and Be Prepared to address concerns.
Verbal & Nonverbal Communication
A huge percentage of the concerns expressed by prospects are actually caused by sales reps themselves. I was very pleased to find a detailed discussion and tables on upgrading both your verbal messaging as well as well as your nonverbal messaging that will actually prevent many of these objections. This is an area where little changes can make a big difference.
Types of Objections
If you ask sales professionals how many different types of objections there are, most will reply that there are infinite varieties. But this isn't so and Jeb does an excellent job of chunking objections down into a manageable set of four types:
- Prospecting
- Red Herring
- Micro-Commitment
- Buying
He then goes on to offer facilitative turnaround frameworks for each one.
The Psychology of Objections & Objection Handling
Once you come to understand the dynamics around objections, why they happen and how they affect both you and your prospect, you'll be capable of freely adapting and moving in and out of all the models for your own type of sale. This is a valuable aspect of the book. The if psychology bores you, rest assured that the models you learn in Objections will work regardless of whether you understand why they work. But the clarity Jeb offers around the psychology of objections will make you even more effective.
Jeb covers the science of resistance, how they originate at the emotional level and then elaborates why it is that you cannot argue people into believing they are wrong. You will need a more more zen-like approach if you want to actually address your prospect's concerns. This is an important point because people are emotional first and foremost. If we hope to traverse all of our prospect's objections and concerns we need to use frameworks that take emotion into account.
Your Own Psychology
An important part of the psychology of objection handling is how we perceive and react to objections. Objections are not rejection, but they often feel that way. Objections are signs of confusion, concerns, the sorting out of options, subconscious cognitive biases, risk aversion, cognitive overload, and the fear of change. They are part of the human decision-making process and in most cases are a sign of engagement. Objections offers excellent advice and actionable tips on how to change your mindset around getting objections that are beneficial for every sales professional and I dare say when embraced will make you rejection-proof as well.
A Goldmine of Valuable Models
Jeb is very generous sharing the valuable models he has developed for sales over the years. This is the meat and my favorite part of the book. You will find useful models for bringing objections to the surface, activating what he calls the "self-disclosure" loop, addressing each of the four objection types, as well as models for mapping stakeholders in your sale.
Prospecting - This section is a microcosm of Jeb's brilliant book Fanatical Prospecting (which I also recommend). Here the focus is on the objections that surface during prospecting. You'll learn the rule of thirds and his famous 5-Step Phone Process. Within prospecting there are three sub-classes of objections: reflex responses, brush-offs and true objections. What follows is a detailed discussion of how these fall into predictable patterns and how to develop turnarounds for each using his 3-Step Prospecting Turnaround Framework. There are excellent examples and sample dialog here for each.
Red Herring - Red herrings are things prospects do, say, or ask that distract from the real focus of the sales conversation. Following them does not advance the conversation into useful territory for the customer. Here Jeb offers a useful 4-part framework called PAIS to bring the conversation back to what is truly relevant. He has also included here his Call Agenda Framework which, if used, will prevent red herring objections from happening to begin with.
Micro-Commitment - Micro-commitments are a series of low-risk commitments that lead down the path to a final buying commitment and in my opinion employing them is one of the most powerful techniques in selling. Here Jeb offers a valuable and easily-remembered 3-part framework for addressing the concerns or objections that are sometimes encountered when asking for micro-commitments.
Buying Commitments - Buying commitment objections are, of course, the concerns or objections given when presenting the final ask for the business. And here Jeb provides a valuable 5-part framework that universally applicable to every kind of sale. In fact, this one framework alone is worth the price of the book. It's both easy to learn and master.
Shortcut to Nowhere
I think it's important to point out how critical it is to follow a sales process. That's because if you attempt to take shortcuts and skip parts of your sales process you will inadvertently create objections that you cannot get past without going back and revisiting the skipped step. The frameworks presented in Objections are fantastic. But they are not a substitute for your sales process. So even with the tremendous tools added to your kit from Objections, remember this: Selling requires discipline.
Bending Probability in Your Favor
The final chapters bring all these elements together while providing a very motivating shot-in-the-arm delivered in a way that only Jeb can do. It is highly engaging and I think sales teams would greatly benefit from re-reading these chapters once every few months. It's a perfect refresher and team exercise.
I've read every book on objections (many of which are rare and out of print) and Objections from Jeb Blount is the best book ever written on the subject of addressing concerns and objections. If this is an area where you seek improvement (and every sales professional should) save yourself a lot of time and start right here. The full scope of what you need to address your prospect's objections and concerns is right here. I recommend it to every every sales professional in any kind of sale.
65 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on April 18, 2019
It took me several years in real estate to learn what Blount teaches in this book. I was a Psychologist and fascinated with sales and human behavior when I got my real estate license (the money was better in real estate). Over the years, I filled notebooks with my experiences prospecting and dealing with clients. My notes could have been the basis for this book. My two sons and a nephew recently entered the real estate investment business and awakened my interest in all this stuff. I started my real estate investment company in my 7th year and hired six "newbies" with no experience. A housewife, two firemen, a park ranger, and others from various backgrounds. Taught them the same concepts and philosophy Blount describes. I retired a rich man six years later based on their success. Started in 1980 and retired in 1986. A Fireman who never earned more than $3,000 a year made $187,000 in his first year with me. Same with the guy he partnered with. The park ranger won our sales contest of a free, all-expense paid trip to Europe after his first year using these concepts. He made well over $200,000 in 1985 money. After I retired, my salesmen went on to great careers. Reading this book is like listening to myself lecturing my "guys" at our Wednesday training meetings back in the "old days". My nephew is having problems interacting with prospective clients and handling objections. I can't help him over the phone. These concepts need to be practiced and I'm 700 miles away. I bought this book after seeing a YouTube video and it blew me away. This is how I taught my agents. My copy of this book is marked up with notes and highlights Now my kids have a textbook to review. I'm sending copies to each of them. If Blount ever starts seminars, I'm going to send my kids. Sales is one of the toughest occupations to master, but you learn what you are worth and the sky is the limit. I'm 77 and retired for 32 years, but I'm still fascinated by this stuff.
22 people found this helpful
Sales Objections Will No Longer Create Dread In Your Mind After Reading This Book
Reviewed in the United States on February 15, 2019
I'm a sales trainer and have read 2,000 books on sales related subjects.
There are plenty of books on answering typical sales objections. And nearly every book on selling devotes at least one chapter to the subject. Most books on sales objections (even the good ones) give you standard sales objections, and then a list of pithy one liners or scripted answers. And sometimes these answers really have value.
But they don't teach you the reasons you get objections in the first place. You don't learn the real thinking behind the objections. You don't learn the psychology that make sales objections part of every sales presentation.
In this book by Jeb Blount you get the "Deep Knowledge". The principles that explain the origin of objections, the salesperson's fear of them, and how to use them to your advantage. his is truly advanced training. and any review that says that this is "standard stuff we've seen before" didn't understand the lessons taught.
To be truthful, Blount could have laid out most of what he teaches here on a single sheet of paper. The problem is, the readers would read these deep truths, and just assume they are like every other cursory chapter on sales objections.
This book is over 200 pages. Why so long, for such a limited subject? Because the ideas presented here have to be SOLD to be absorbed. Examples have to be given, evidence has to be presented, arguments have to be convincingly made. And the author does a fine job here.
Sure, you get a few scripts, several lists of questions to ask prospects (worth the price of the book alone), but you also get a deep knowledge as to why you got the objection you did, and why a certain response will work, and why a different one will not.
And yes, some of this can be found in other excellent sales books on objections. But this one goes deeper than ones I've read before. I don't know Blount's actual sales experience (other than training), but it's obvious that he has real knowledge you can only get from making thousands of sales calls, and learning from each one.
This is the kind of book you study.
14 people found this helpful
Ron Karr Author The Velocity Mindset
If you want to eliminate obstacles preventing you from getting ...
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2018
If you want to eliminate obstacles preventing you from getting the sale, Jeb Blount's book Objections: The Ultimate Guide for Mastering The Art and Science of Getting Past No is a must read! I have known Jeb for several years and his track record is impeccable. He is the real deal and the ideas in his book will work for you if you implement them. This is not rocket science. Want to learn how to get past the word no, simply buy and read this book which gives you all of the strategies and tactics you will ever need.
13 people found this helpful
and delivering it in a way that is easy to understand and adopt in the real world
Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2018
If you get into enough sales conversations, you will find objections from your prospect. Being able to identify these sometimes tricky objections, understand them, isolate them, and leverage a consistent framework to turn things around, are all massively important when it comes to closing deals. Without this skill, you are competing with one hand and one leg tied behind your back.
Jeb is masterful at taking the complex, art of selling, breaking it down into smaller chunks, and delivering it in a way that is easy to understand and adopt in the real world, in any sales environment. If you want to make target, crush your quota, go on President's club trips, make life changing commission checks, you must read this book.
Does curiosity have you wondering what a red herring objection is? I have been chasing them for years, but not any more! I highly recommend this for you and your sales team.
7 people found this helpful
Our own mindset is the biggest challenge in understanding/managing objections.
Reviewed in the United States on June 24, 2018
Jeb takes a topic we tend to avoid and does a deep dive into what objections are, why they arise, how to effectively respond to them. Most people addressing this topic focus on tricks and techniques. I particularly like Jeb's handling of how our mindsets get in the way of hearing, understanding and dealing with objections.
It turns out the biggest challenge is what our "brains" trick us into doing when we encounter objections.
A good read! Well done, Jeb!
4 people found this helpful
The Best Problem/Solution Field Guide You've Ever Seen!
Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2018
I’m a big Jeb Blount fan, and I’ve read and recommended all his recent books. But with Objections, he’s taken his insights (and research) to another level entirely.
Let me give you an example. Some time ago, in my first career, I was an English prof. I learned and then taught a technique called “explication,” which means “the process of analyzing and developing an idea or principle in detail.” Maybe when you studied poetry, you complained about having to rip the poems apart or find “what they really mean,” and if you were not an English major, you probably didn’t like it.
Well, that’s what Jeb does with buyers’ objections. First off, he puts the objections in categories and gives them names, like “red herrings,”, so you’ll always recognize which kind you’re dealing with. And he offers tons, of examples: I can’t imagine an objection that he hasn’t included! Then he analyzes “what they really mean”; that is, what’s going on in the buyer’s world when he or she is raising that kind of objection with you. Finally, he develops that idea: once you have the analysis, you have deeper insights that help you apply meaningful, effective responses, which Jeb supplies in detail.
Since this is your work, how you earn money--not your poetry class, I promise you are going to like it. A lot!
You’ll learn the four types of objections and how to handle each of them. You’ll understand the power of “the ledge,” a way to calm down and manage your own emotion in the face of objections. And so much more—you’ll just have to read it.
If I’ve made it sound like a reference book, don’t get me wrong. It’s a story book, a gripping novel, a great adventure. You won’t want to put it down! But then you’ll want it next to your phone or in your car or close to wherever you will be when you talk to customers. Get it now.
One person found this helpful
If You Eat What You Hunt, You Need Jeb Blount
Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2020
There's a pantheon of sales gurus that every salesperson must be familiar with and Jeb. Blount is definitely in it. I've done a lot of research to figure out which world renowned sales experts I want to invest my time and energy with and it was not hard to decide that Blount is definitely one of the best to invest in.
Objections is one of a kind, and right from the beginning you can tell that Mr. Blount is not going to sugar coat what's needed to succeed in sales. He doesn't give you the same old, "Just get over the rejection dude, toughen up." He gets that there's biology involved. Evolutionary biology. Protection from rejection is a survival mechanism that doesn't just dissipate cause we demand it. We need to accept our brains and bodies with all their chemicals reactions and fight or flight neuro-transmissions and learn to work through our pre-programmed reaction to NO with a new attitude, a perspective, a goal, and with a reprogramming of our bodies and voices and communications.
It's not easy, and will take time, but as Jeb advises: "In the sales profession, you must manage your natural fear of rejection, ask for what you want, and face potential rejection head on. It's not a natural state of being for humans." I'm writing this review on Valentine's Day, and this holiday should help to highlight what Jeb is communicating. Everyone knows how nerve-racking it can be to ask someone you like to be your valentine when you're not at all sure if that person likes you back. Now imagine doing that 50 times a day, 5 days a week, with perfect strangers. Ouch.
I think I'll go search YouTube for more interviews and talks with Mr. Blount and get any of his books I haven't read yet. I'll need all the help I can get. Thank you for the guidance Mr. Blount!
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on June 23, 2018
I just read Jebs newest masterpiece Objections. Well, actually I have read twice.
What people do not realize is if you can't master objections, everything you have done up to this point does not matter if you can't handle objections.
People associate objections as something that happens when you are closing. You also have objections when you first contact the customer and trying to schedule a time to meet with them.
Jeb covers every type of objection you can get. What the objection really is and how to handle it. I learned things that I wish I knew 30 years ago.
I have always said "don't be afraid of objections, be afraid if you don't get any instead'. Once you understand them, they are your best friend.
This is a must have book to have in your library and on your desk.
Thanks Jeb Blount for writing this book for us!
3 people found this helpful
All the great salespeople read Jeb Blount!
Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2019
As a sales professional with over 20 years of experience, I cannot say enough about all of Jeb Blount’s sales books, including this one. He has taken the sales process to a new level giving readers a deeper understanding of the emotional process that happens between buyer and seller as well as his no nonsense approach to sales success. I am happy to say that my sales are doing great right now thanks to this book! Just a few more books to go and I will have read everything you have written Jeb! I have also noticed that all the great salespeople read Jeb Blount. If you are truly serious about sales success, this is the guy to read! Thanks for writing all your books Jeb!
To the point, direct and actionable
Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2021
Fan of Jen Blount and his writings. Like his other book - Fantastical Prospecting - this was a very direct book with clear actionable steps. Instead of trying to fill up 200 pages like most self help books it gets down to action quick. As a sales person and sales manager myself I can relate to everything he mentioned and booking it down to what makes winning sales people operate different than ones who give up. Should be an absolute must read for anyone in sales or trying to start a new business. Thank you Jen!
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2018
Can't say enough good things about Jeb Blount's books on the arena of sales! From 'Fanatical Prospecting' to 'Sales EQ' now to 'Objections' he does an amazing job diving into whatever subject he's writing about with a writing style and tone that feels as if he's having a casual conversation with you. Again, whether you are a vet or just beginning in sales, pick up a copy of this book and soak it up!
Perfect amount of actionable content.
Reviewed in the United States on May 12, 2019
Most business books suck. They have 50 pages of good content, stretched across 250 pages that frustrate the reader and leave a lot of half finished books collecting dust in home offices. I’ve only finished about a half dozen of them over the years (and own more than 100) because, at some point, I get the point and move on.
So when a book comes along that I easily read #covertocover, it’s definitely worth sharing. Jeb Blount has written an awesome one in Objections. Easy to read. Insightful content. Realistic scenarios. If you’re in sales, go buy it!
So what should I read next? SalesEQ or Fanatical Prospecting?
A must read if your are new to sales
Reviewed in the United States on September 20, 2018
Another excellent book from Jeb Blount and a great companion to his other best selling books Fanatical Prospecting and Sales EQ. Properly handling objections is a skill that every account executive needs to develop in order to succeed. This book is a great resource of best practices and frameworks that will allow you to manage objections troughout the sales cycle, from prospecting to closing.
The most comprehensive and well thought out treatise on Objections in the market!
Reviewed in the United States on December 24, 2018
My experience as a sales trainer for the past 20 years has taught me one thing, handling objections well is the key to longer term success in sales. Very few sales professionals do it well. Jeb Blount masterfully explores why we are wired to hate objections, what to do about it and how to successfully turn them into opportunities. A must read for any sales professional!
Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2020
Jeb Blount is a captivating author who is very knowledgeable in what he teaches. This book was recommended to me by my trainer. I read this book in one day.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on March 11, 2019
What a great book on understanding psychologically what and why we freak out when hearing an objection, and once you understand that, objections are easier to overcome. EXCELLENT book.
examines the underlying psychology of the sales process in both salespeople and clients
Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2019
Jeb Blount applies rigorous logic to the most illogical part of sales--emotions. He breaks down what the salesman is thinking and what the prospect is thinking and his insights are remarkably accurate. Instead of ignoring emotions, Blount teaches salespeople to embrace and understand emotions.
This book is one of the best sales books ever written
Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2018
This book is one of the best sales books ever written. It will help you develop your skills, empathy, and EQ. Your customers will appreciate you because you helped them get what they need and want.
Reviewed in the United States on July 26, 2019
If you have just one - you need all 3 of Jeb's books as they blend together for the A to Z on smart successful sales!
Should be a mandatory read for anyone in Sales
Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2018
I’ve been in sales for 20 years. Every person starting sales should consider these a must read. Ew or old in the game. Phenomenal book.
Reviewed in the United States on September 12, 2021
The best book I’ve read to understand my prospects better. Thank you so much for making this book! Going to read a second time
One person found this helpful
Great for Marketers and Sales alike
Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2019
I work as a telemarketer and this book has helped me tremendously. Will continue to read over and over
Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2019
This book gave me a strong foundation for identifying and addressing excuses and objections head on. Now I’m more confident when I prospect for my side business!
Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2018
Wow- this is a game changer! Jeb- outstanding; easy to understand, easy to implement. An awesome tool, every sales person should have in their arsenal!
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2018
Just buy it and stop being indecisive. This book is rather comprehensive on the mechanics of selling. I couldnt put the book down. It also has some great citations for additional reading and knowledge packed material.
Crushing objections create explosive momentum
Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2021
This is a great book examining what happens to the human brain and body when you anticipate or get an objection. It provides simple clear tips to overcome them in any industry. Teams need to study objections more. It is the secret to unlocking your next level of success.
Reviewed in the United States on July 9, 2019
Jeb is an author that puts substance over flash. This book delivers on the title. Understanding objections and how to think past the one you are answering is what this book will teach you.
Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2018
This is the 3rd book by Jeb Blount I've read. As a Digital Marketer and Salesperson, Jeb has exactly the advice I needed right when I needed it. He understands what salespeople are battling (internally and externally). This book made it obvious when and why I was procrastinating and making excuses. I'm better prepared, keeping my pipeline full, and closing deals faster and with more confidence than ever before.
His book was recommended to me and I highly recommend it to anyone in sales.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2019
Easy read, great practical advice. Must read for anyone in a customer serving role
Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2018
This book is for people wanting to better themselves in life in general! Great take aways!
Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2018
As a Sales Manager, Jeb gave me the tools with this book to explain to my sales force why they act the way they do when working with a customer. It is invaluable information for anybody working in sales or running a sales force.
Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2019
Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2018
Very Good book. I am on the second read already. Packed with useful info and things that you can actually apply
Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2018
Very good read
Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2018
Recommended this book for the office. Excellent book and fast shipping.
Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2018
Jen is one of the best authors for salespeople to engage in reading. Very relatable material for anyone selling anything!
Reviewed in the United States on December 10, 2018
This book gets to the point. It is easy to read and simply to apply to every day use in the work place.
Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2018
“Listening leads to the outcome you seek...” powerful stuff!! I just finished this great book in less than 3 days of reading and couldn’t put it down! Lots of great lessons to help the customer with their problems and to help the sales rep also!
Reviewed in the United States on September 3, 2018
I own a business that includes sales training and I can tell you that there isn’t a better book out there on this topic.
Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2018
Systematically done to give clarity