Mercedes Trevizo Jeff Lerner Review

Meet Mercedes Trinidad Trevizo. He came across ENTRE while he was searching for knowledge online and potentially mentorship. In the ENTRE training, he was delighted to find direct, practical and real-world knowledge that he can apply to his life. He's really excited to feel his momentum growing each day and he's looking forward to what happens in the future.

Welcome to another episode of Millionaire Secrets!

Have you ever wondered how to merge your latest passion with financial success?

Are you fed up with people telling you that your latest hobby can’t be a viable business?

In today’s episode, I'm joined by Entrepreneur and Investor James Altucher.

We talk about mastering your trade, and why you DON'T have to be the best in the business to succeed!

James Altucher is a man with many strings to his bow.

He’s a hedge fund manager, author, podcaster, and entrepreneur.

But what’s more?

He’s also a stand-up comedian and has achieved the rank of chess master!

If you want to know how to turn your hobbies and passions into profitable business ventures: James is the man to speak to!

He’s started 20 different companies in multiple different industries.

But here’s the important thing:

17 of those were not successful.

James stresses the importance of learning from your mistakes and not letting a lack of experience stand in your way!

If you’ve ever been stuck in a job you hate, in a house you can’t afford, in a life that you don’t want?

The advice James offers today is INVALUABLE.

In today’s interview, we talk about the 10,000-hour rule - the amount of time you supposedly need to perfect a craft - and James’s alternative approach!

Tune in to find out:

How to reach the top 1% in ANY field that you choose.

How you don’t have to be the best in the business to make SERIOUS money

Why people underestimating you is your BIGGEST asset.


You don’t want to miss the fantastic tennis player analogy that we come up with.

This analogy will completely change the way you think about entering an industry, and may even fuel your journey onto a different path in life.

If you’re yet to fully commit to your entrepreneurial journey?

THIS is the interview you need to hear!

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Mercedes Trevizo Review

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us

Audible Audiobook – Unabridged

Seth Godin (Author, Narrator), Audible Studios (Publisher)

4.4 out of 5 stars

1,884 ratings


5.0 out of 5 stars

Inspirational book on the topic of Daring to be a Leader - not a step by step manual

Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2017

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I found this to be a very inspirational book on the topic of daring to be a leader. It makes you see leaders can come in a variety of forms, they are not just made up of outgoing, exceptionally outspoken people standing in front of a crowd talking loud, being the center of attention. They can be a person in the background, creating a way for like-minded people to connect and move a cause forward. It makes you see that a person with a vision, an idea, a cause, can make real change, and why it's important to get going on what matters to you and stop waiting for the perfect time, as the time is now.

I like that most of the topics are short and to the point. He doesn't ramble on. He gives you an idea and you take it from there. He doesn't give you a step by step manual on how to lead, he gives a concept of how tribes work and you as a leader work it out from there.

Super fun book. Joined his email list as greatly enjoy his daily emails on variety of thoughts.

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Brenda Cobb Murphy

5.0 out of 5 stars

A Perspective Changer

Reviewed in the United States on November 20, 2015

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This book has become one of my favorite books, and I’m a self-help junkie. The things Seth says about a tribe and my part in it is never far from my mind. It has changed how I see my website, the books I write, my place in the world, and it has changed how I perceive myself. You know a book is a game-changer when your mind often pulls up something you’ve read from it. While I love my Kindle books I also love books I can mark up and easily refer back to so I’ve got the paper version of this one and it has lots of little Post-it flags on things that stood out (the whole book pretty much stood out but I can’t mark everything!). For example:

“Curious people count. Not because there are a lot of them, but because they're the ones who talk to people who are in a stupor. They're the ones who lead the masses in the middle who are stuck. The masses in the middle have brainwashed themselves into thinking it’s safe to do nothing, which the curious can't abide.”

“Crowds and tribes. Two different things: a crowd is a tribe without a leader. A crowd is a tribe without communication. Most organizations spend their time marketing to the crowd. Smart organizations assemble the tribe. Crowds are interesting, and they can create all sorts of worthwhile artifacts and market effects. But tribes are longer lasting and more effective.”

There are a lot of great books out there but this is a must.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

How to make a difference in the world

Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2017

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One of the best of Seth Godin's books -- this one is the inspirational blueprint for making a difference in the world. It's got a few business references that are now outdated given that the book was written almost 10 years ago but the principles of how we operate as human beings hasn't changed. Seth captures the essence of what it means to connect and create meaning as a group. I bought several copies of this and gift it to others regularly.

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Chet T.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Game changer

Reviewed in the United States on May 15, 2017

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I'm currently building a course for our clients to help them take things to the next level. This book helped me identify areas of inspiration, leadership, and community. One of my biggest takeaways from the book is around the idea of criticism. Seth writes that you cannot have success without critics yelling at you from the cheap seats. You'll know you're onto something when people criticize. In fact your community (tribe) will demand that you take a stand, be bold, and let criticism roll right off your back.

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Aidan Rector

5.0 out of 5 stars

Not an instruction manual

Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2015

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I recommend this book to anyone who wants to make a difference. Anyone who is sick and tired of standing by watching things happen to them and is ready for a change. I read a number of reviews that were very negative about this book just before I started reading it and read it anyway. Very happy I did! No, you won't get step by step instructions here so don't look for them. The point is you already have what you need to lead. Just get out there believe in your mission and start gathering your tribe to move it forward.

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Richard Cz

5.0 out of 5 stars

Think "Tribe"

Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2017

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This book provoked me to think about how I go about doing things. It provoked me to reexamine what I've been doing. It provoked me to view the world with a different lens. Who could want more from a book!?! Thanks Seth for sharing your experiences and wisdom in provoking me to think anew. You can count on me as a member of your tribe. To the readers of this review, I invite you to come along and join too. Don't be a sheep walker!

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Dale Young

5.0 out of 5 stars

Great read. Encouraging. Challenging.

Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2018

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Heard the synopsis’s for years. I finally started the Audible version, which had been in my library for a couple of years. I was immediately mesmerized and said “I have to be able to highlight this book” so I went and got the Kindle version.

Great insights. Seth knows how to turn a phrase. Lots of quotable content here.

But Seth doesn’t let you off the hook. He challenges, encourages, and compels you to find your tribe and consider being their leader.

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Jacques de Villiers

5.0 out of 5 stars

Choose to lead

Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2019

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This a a book for all those who believe they have something valuable to share with the world to help the world. It is a book about leading. It highlights that heresy is the grammar of innovation and that conviction is the syntax if success. It teaches that the tribe is because of you and you’re because of the tribe. It challenges you to take up the mantle of leadership so that you can make this world a better place. It’s a book that has inspired me to find a tribe and lead it.


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Santosh Kumar Shiva

5.0 out of 5 stars

A must read

Reviewed in the United States on August 19, 2018

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A must read book for today’s day and age . Leadership is no more about a position or power , it’s the act of choosing to act on a change that one believes and created a movement . Find out how in this book . Lucid reading and some great examples

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Wise advice on leadership

Reviewed in the United States on January 13, 2021

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Seth Godin writes a masterpiece about leadership. It breaks the mold for business books (no chapters?), but it is full of encouragement and practical application stories. Very thought-provoking book that has many insights and applications in business, non-profits, stock-picking, education and a wide range of other fields. Highly recommended.

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Upend the Status Quo

Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2018

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This book is incredibly insightful on leadership and yet leaves the "how-to" open-ended on purpose, agreeably justified by the major points that change is necessary and unavoidable, those who embrace and implement the change are the ones who benefit from it, and tribes center around ideas that they care about. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for their purpose.


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Tyler J. Harvey

5.0 out of 5 stars

Outstanding Book on Leadership!

Reviewed in the United States on November 27, 2018

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This book offers such an excellent perspective on leadership and developing an authentic bond with others around what you're passionate about. 100% recommend for anyone who works in branding, PR, sales, promotion, advertising, etc.. And of course, everyone who is interested in leading, even if it's just a fan club around your favorite video game.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

The Make-up of a Movement

Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2019

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The leadership of a tribe or of a movement is not limited to positional leadership. Everyone leads and everyone has an impact because it is largely about creating change that each believes in. While leadership may not start at the top, it does affect those at the "top." Of paramount importance, however, is connection. Of special interest was the "anatomy of a movement."


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Martin J. Fischer...Creator and Founder- Waiternomics

5.0 out of 5 stars

If You Think Outside of The Box Then Buy This Book! You Will Love It!

Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2013

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Tribes is Spot ON! If you are someone who thinks outside of the box then this book is a Must Read! If you own a business or are just starting a business this book will save you thousands or make you thousands, either way you win! Seth has a unique ability to phrase words and paint a picture giving the reader a clear visual of exactly what he is talking about. He uses real life examples, i.e., The Greatful Dead, how they had a cult following that was far more than music, it was a movement that people were a part of. In particular I loved his take on " Stability is an Illusion", where the lack of stability in todays world creates huge opportunities for outside of the box thinking people. Tribes is probably Seth's best work to date..

Martin J. Fischer

Founder, Creator and Author

Waiternomics-The Ultimate Guide To Escaping The "Employee Trap"


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Pierce Taylor Hibbs

5.0 out of 5 stars

Engaging and Provocative

Reviewed in the United States on October 29, 2018

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Full disclosure: I haven't read any books in this area before (on leadership, motivation, etc.), so take these comments for what they are. But I thought the book was engaging, thought-provoking, and encouraging. There are a lot of lessons to take and apply to your own context, and that's part of the fun of the book (it will generate a lot of TO DO items for you). Overall, I appreciate Godin's conversational voice and raw style. Some, I'm sure, would want him to be more developed and to nuance his arguments, but that's not really the point of a publication like this. The point is to promote change, and I have no doubt that it will do just that.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

I didn't want this book to end - An articulate commentary on why we should rise up and lead

Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2018

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Seth makes an example of the "Sheepwalkers" - those protecting the status quo at all costs and reminds us that the sheepwalkers don't do very well these days.

He highlights how mediocrity serves no-one and is exhausting, and encourages us instead to rise up, take risks and lead.

He has such a wonderful and insightful way of viewing the world & it's a gift to be a part of his mind for a few hundred pages. I will be re-reading this one again and again


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Ean K. Shearer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Simple and Plain, in the best possible way.

Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2019

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Loved Tribes.

Completely undressed of contrived formulas, with case after case from individuals the author clearly admires, and found himself learning from. I walk away wanting to pass along the wisdom - which is utterly, in this case, the useful application of knowledge. A great read for anyone looking to sharpen the tools or jumpstart from inertia.


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Ohio Vegan

5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States on April 1, 2015

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This book is vague enough to allow interpretation and application to any industry or market. The vacuum, as Seth calls it. Take unorganized and confused space where people are uncomfortable, and create motion. Create a platform to allow people to connect with others that share an existing yearning. Go against the rules of your current "religion" and harness the power of faith in a new vision. Seek out people that have passion for the same shared cause, and give them a podium to reach others. Stop worrying about the other people that are stuck in the quick sand of the status quo. Most people will not even listen, much less understand or follow you, find the early adopters and create a tribe.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

The pep talk everyone needs to be a leader rather than a sheepwaler!

Reviewed in the United States on August 17, 2017

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Seth Godin is a New York Times bestselling author and and a thought leader in business & marketing. This book is a call to arms for people to be leaders and find their Tribe. The stakes are too high to not lead. The world is changing rapidly and rather than being a "sheepwalker," you should focus on "setting up a life that you are not looking to escape." This book is not a how-to manual but offers many examples and ideas for finding and leading your very own movement/Tribe.

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I. Sineke

5.0 out of 5 stars

Really enjoyed this book

Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2019

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I decided to read this book on leadership after listening to Seth on a podcast and I enjoyed how honestly it came across. Seth has a way of making the choice to choose quite simple, while explaining that choosing to lead isn't the end. The art of leading a tribe of people is the next step.

As someone who feels unsure about leading a group (community/ tribe), I would recommend it to anyone who has ever felt "how dare I lead them"

Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Inspirational Read

Reviewed in the United States on February 15, 2021

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A must read for those desiring to lead a tribe of their own. I'm in the process of starting my own, so this book was invaluable at this time. I especially enjoyed his

entertaining style of writing. He made this topic very interesting, and inspirational. I gave this book five stars, but wish I could've given it more.


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John W. Pearson

5.0 out of 5 stars

Just Sell One

Reviewed in the United States on February 16, 2009

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One word, one paragraph, not even one page can adequately describe Seth Godin's latest epistle on leadership--because it's more about marketing. No, it's about tribes (I'll explain). No it's about the Internet and factories. No, it's about how leaders build communities (tribes, again) and focus on true fans versus thousands. Well, actually it's about heretics, nonprofits, faith, religion, Steve Jobs, unicorns and the Printing Bucket--and how movements are looking for leaders--and how you can lead your tribe (I think). Aw...forget it. I can't really explain this book, but I'm going to read it at least twice. You should too.

Guarantee. Read all 147 pages (it's short and small) and you'll have dozens of conversation-droppers to impress and amaze your colleagues. You'll also change your thinking on stuff. I counted 127 short stories/principles--each with a gotta-read-this headline. There are no chapters--just quick-reading, page-turning marketing/leadership insights:

* Leadership Discomfort: "Leadership is scarce because few people are willing to go through the discomfort required to lead ... When you identify the discomfort, you've found the place where a leader is needed."

* Twitter and Trust and Tribes and True Fans: "The essential lesson is that every day it gets easier to tighten relationships you have with the people who choose to follow you."

* Leading from the Bottom (with a Newsletter): "Twice a week, the newsletter went out. Twice a week, I talked about our quest. Twice a week, I chronicled the amazing work of our tiny tribe. The newsletter connected the tribe members. It turned a disparate group of career engineers into a working community."

Godin, bestselling author of Purple Cow and The Dip, says there are three steps in tribe work: motivating, connecting and leveraging. His real-life examples get your adrenalin going. His pithy bursts of wisdom are memorable. "My friend Fred has a new book coming out and he was trolling around for marketing ideas. I think he'd be surprised at this one: Sell one."

Seth Godin writes, "The first thing a leader can focus on is the act of tightening the tribe." He says it's tempting to make the tribe bigger versus more connected. What are you doing at your shop to "tighten the tribe?"

He adds, "Friending 10 or 20 or a thousand on Facebook might be good for your ego but it has zero to do with any useful measure of success." So, what would be a useful measure of success on Facebook? OK, talk among yourselves.

By the way, Peggy Noonan commented in her Feb. 7, 2009, Wall Street Journal column, "Every new president starts out fresh, in part because he doesn't know what he doesn't know. Ignorance keeps you perky." That's the big challenge as you lead your team: helping them move from "I don't know what I don't know," to "I know what I don't know." This book will help.

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Lisa Yvonne

5.0 out of 5 stars

Not a Formula, but Certainly a Vision

Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2016

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This book is not a step by step manual on how to become a leader. Leadership is intangible, and in truth it varies from person to person and scenario to scenario. Godin doesn't attempt to create a formula for the reader to follow; instead he LEADS us toward leadership. How? Through examining what has made other leaders effective and by inciting us to do the same.

Leadership is not as simple as having followers; it is a complex and multi-faceted thing. It is also organic; that is, a leader determines in a situation or with a certain people to lead in a way that is best for that time, that place, and those people. Great leaders understand that they need to personalize their leadership because a true leader is, after all, about those he is leading. Godin embodies this mindset and explains it well.

Tribes are indeed something mankind has sought out since the earth became populated enough to have them. Today we are more advanced technologically, but at our core we still long for connection. Tribes give us that. And it is up to us whether we want to blindly belong to one, or powerfully engage in one and participate in leading it.

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Kami McGuire

5.0 out of 5 stars

Look behind you - a crowd is forming

Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2013

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I like Seth's material. He gets down to the nuts and bolts of what it truly means to exhibit tribal leadership. What's more, in this book he also talks about tribal followership so that the leader can understand what motivates the tribe, and what the tribe truly needs. Anyone of influence, at home, work, church, in your community, wherever, needs this read. You don't need a formal title either. Now more than ever, people are paying attention to you through many channels, and you have the unique opportunity as never seen throughout history to reach and impact millions without spending a dime. Seth Godin tells you how - not through yet another list of tools, sites, and techniques but through building relationships with those desperately seeking a leader.


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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Different style but still a great book

Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2019

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The author truly believes in disrupting the standard way of doing things. It’s mentioned multiple times in the book. It’s also represented in the way the book is written.

At first I had my doubts but it turned out to be a great book for all how want to lead or are already in leadership.

I definitely recommend this book to anybody who is tired of the status quo.


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Sandra Navarro

5.0 out of 5 stars

This is not a step by step guide

Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2020

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And that’s what’s great about it. It’s real, it’s human, it recognizes that there’s no single recipe but a handful of insights and repeated phenomena around the right kind of leadership


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J. P. Boylan

5.0 out of 5 stars

21st Century Marketing Ideas Deluxe!

Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2018

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Seth Godin is one of the most important writers on modern marketing and how to motivate customers in the 21st Century. This treatise fits beautifully into the music industry, and should be a necessary how-to for anyone trying to build an audience.


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Guy L. Gonzalez

5.0 out of 5 stars

Just do it

Reviewed in the United States on November 8, 2008

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Or, as Gandhi put it, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

That, in a nutshell, is the primary message of Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, Seth Godin's masterful mini-manifesto on what it takes to be a leader and why YOU should be the one to take the lead.

It's a point Godin returns to several times throughout the book, illustrating it with numerous examples of people from various walks of modern life who didn't take no for an answer: they rejected the status quo, risked failure to achieve success by being deeply committed to what they believed in, attracted like-minded people to their cause as a result, and led them forward.

Through the wide range of instructive and/or inspirational examples he cites, from the requisite Steve Jobs and Starbucks, to the far more interesting Grateful Dead and Nathan Winograd -- he even throws in a nod to Barack Obama, although unnamed, in a brief section sub-titled "Criticizing Hope is Easy" -- Godin gets in front of almost every likely objection someone might have for why his premise doesn't apply to them and knocks them down.

Clocking in at a brisk 147 pages -- of which I specifically dog-eared and marked up more than twenty -- Tribes reads like a dizzying rush of adrenalized common sense; you can almost imagine Godin pounded it out over one long, inspired, most likely caffeinated weekend. It's neither a dry how-to manual nor cliched motivational tract, but rather an enthusiastic endorsement of standing up and taking the initiative.

If you're already a leader, you'll recognize yourself in these pages and find comfort in the examples of others like you. If you think you're not leadership material, you may be surprised to realize that you most certainly could be.

Alternatively, if you only THINK you're a leader but are really just a manager, I hope you have thick skin and can accept constructive criticism, because in a lot of ways, this book is especially for you.

Godin believes that what most often keeps someone from becoming a leader is the fear of failure, and while he arguably downplays the legitimate fear of losing one's job (especially in the current economy), the more likely downside of taking the lead and failing is feeling bad about that failure, so his underlying philosophy is sound: leaders are modern-day heretics and they don't burn heretics at the stake any more.

In the end, Godin encourages anyone who gets something from his book to pass on their copy to someone else. The marketing guru that he is, I'm pretty sure he figured it was more likely that anyone who was excited by his book would mark it up and hold on to it for future inspiration, and instead encourage others to buy and devour their own copy.

And that's exactly what I'm doing.

Well played, Mr. Godin. Well played.

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Fernando Gomez

5.0 out of 5 stars

Mind blowing reflections

Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2020

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Each page has been a story that led me to reflect over and over again about my leadership style and how to lead further. In times of huge changes like now (May 2020) this has been inspirational, mind chaking and helped me to create a Vision. Thanks!

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5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States on June 16, 2020

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Thanks Seth for giving me the courage to make a change in this world! I have highlighted almost every page a new great quote.


5.0 out of 5 stars

Still a great read.

Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2017

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While some references are becoming a bit dated, and the online context has evolved, maybe even matured a bit, the core message of this book is still very much relevant. Both challenging and inspirational.

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Jackson Muñoz

5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2018

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This is my second time reading Tribes,and I found it more powerful and necessary than the first time. Seth is inspiring and at the same time down to earth. This is now a must-read for every leader.

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Miles Fidelman

5.0 out of 5 stars

Just Read It, Then Just Do It

Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2022

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If you are trying to make a difference in the world, this is the Bible. A must read for doers.


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The Pod

5.0 out of 5 stars

Good read

Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2017

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I was surprised by this short book. I can't tell you exactly what I was expecting, maybe something more step-by-step or more"business-y" but I liked it. It made me think and I even wrote a blog post based on the concepts presented. It is a quick read but definitely worth reading.


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Kathleen Gage

5.0 out of 5 stars

A must read for anyone who wants to understand how to build community

Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2013

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Tribes is an inspirational read that shows the importance of having the willingness to start a movement.

With the onslaught of social media, virtually everyone is in a position to start a movement based on their passion, beliefs and life work.

I was so impressed with this book, I bought a copy for a group of my clients who all understand their roll in starting a movement.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who feels stuck and is looking for a way out.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Outstanding book on the power of Tribes

Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2012

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Seth Godin's book, "Tribes", is about creating powerful communities with an empowering cause or reason. It is more than the leaders of the group. The members are vital and crucial part of the community. It is more than a community with a like goal. It is a Tribe.

There are many examples of tribes with varying causes (e.g. politics, Apple Computer users, Pet lovers, etc.). It is powerful and productive to be a part of a tribe.

JR Felisilda

Author of the book, "Nanay: Lessons From a Mother"

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Todd R. Jordan

5.0 out of 5 stars

Leader or Sheep?

Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2009

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I'll tell you right up front that this is a book you'll dismiss or embrace. I'm fairly certain there is no middle ground here. What it comes down to is your willingness to believe you can lead and your acceptance that most folks are sheepwalking.

Seth takes us through a perspective on what constitutes a leader and what leaders do. He explains from his point of view why companies large and small and the individuals within fight to maintain the status quo. But more than that, there are hit home examples of where this leads. You're recognize these. They might even be companies you know.

Where this hits home for most folks though will be those of you in big industry and being cube warriors. You'll see yourself and others and your boss describe here. It's at that point you're likely to get a bit angry. You may even discard the book because it will be a conviction. Are you sheepwalking or can you break free and lead?

But is there a big secret to be found in these pages? Perhaps not for some. It's real secret will be in how it causes you to reflect if you're ready to take charge of a tribe, join one, or continue to wait in fear.

Note, if you've not enjoyed other Seth Godin books, this won't be for you either. If you enjoy his straight forward talk, then this is a must read.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Seth Godin is a genius that has a relevant message that I truly love hearing. It is an easy read and one ...

Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2017

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This book has totally changed my life for the year 2017. Seth Godin is a genius that has a relevant message that I truly love hearing. It is an easy read and one that provokes you to think and ask yourself some questions. I believe that every person should read this book and use it in their daily lives.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Inspiring for Leaders of Any Path

Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2014

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I loved how inspiring this book was because it encourages the reader to be unabashedly individual in order to unite a tribe. He encourages people to be themselves first so that they can attract like minded people. There's no trick or scheme to building an empire, it's all very heart focused and beautiful. I love most of Seth Godin's material but I find this book of his the most inspiring.


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Great Book To Read On The Toilet

Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2020

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I liked how there wasn’t a 10 step prescription. I liked how it was broken down into bite-sized thoughts. I like how it tugged at the heart. It gave me language and helped me crystallize my thoughts around this stuff. I really enjoyed it - pick it up!


5.0 out of 5 stars

Clean Book

Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2021

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Clean book and faster than expected shipping. Would definitely purchase from again in the future.


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Evening Stars

5.0 out of 5 stars

100% motivation - go change the world!

Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2010

Verified Purchase

Why I recommend it - this book is adrenaline for the aspiring leader. If you want to make a difference in the world, if you want to act/shake things up/adventure, if you consider yourself a leader but maybe aren't totally sure - any of these descriptions fit you? If yes, read this book. I couldn't put it down. I loved the stories and the strong opinions of the author - I didn't always agree, but it didn't matter. Story after story, point after point - he makes you think and even dream! There are no chapters, just headings, so you feel like you are on an amazing road trip without a map, but who cares? It is a fun ride, and you won't be bored.

Practical? This isn't a how to lead book, don't look for a plan here. Godin's goal was to motivate leaders - not create leaders. In fact he speaks directly to this point, anticipating that some readers will be bothered... he kind of makes fun of them. I think his point was that true leaders have an intuitive sense about leadership... followers look for "how to manuals" because they are not leaders. Kinda harsh, but leadership is an art, you can always improve, just get to work! I think that was his point. Agree or Disagree?


See some of the other 4 and 5 star reviews - they have plenty to say if you want specifics.

Memorable nuggets:

I have marks all over this book... where do I start?

Just read it!

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