DR. MATTHEW LOOP | Author and Social Media Revenue Strategist | Millionaire

I am a huge fan of Jeff's interviews. I've been following his work for years and he has helped me make more money in less than six months, even though I already run a successful business.

So Matthew Loop has been in the online game for over a decade. You don’t need to take that long. Take the shortcut.

💰 Claim Your Free 'Millionaire Shortcut' Book Here 👉 https://millionairesecrets.com/MatthewL

On today’s episode of the Millionaire Secrets podcast, "Author and Social Media Revenue Strategist", I interview Matthew Loop.

This is going to be an interesting podcast for many of you because Matthew has been in the game of online marketing for a very long time.

He actually started out his career as a chiropractor. Yes, that’s right, it’s in fact Dr. Matthew Loop. But after struggling to even pay the rent through traditional advertising routes, Matthew turned his focus online to find customers.

Success came in the form of MySpace. He found many people within his local community that needed help with back pain, neck pain, etc.

And so his chiropractic office began to take off. His booking schedule was full.

It was then,

That his fellow professionals in the local area - other chiros, and dentists - began approaching him and asking for marketing help.

The seed of an idea was born.

And Matthew soon became a local social media marketing specialist.

It’s been a long road since then, of course. We’re talking more than a decade ago!

And that’s why his story is so rich and fascinating.

Check Out More of Matthew’s Content Here 👇

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📖 Social Media Made Me Rich: Here's How it Can do the Same for You 👉 https://www.amazon.com/dp/1630477931/...


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Social Media Revenue Strategist

The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue Paperback – August 16, 2016

by Shama Hyder (Author), Chris Brogan (Foreword)

4.4 out of 5 stars

225 ratings

The Ultimate How-To Guide to Social Media Marketing written by a leading expert Shama Hyder, dubbed "Social media's zen master of marketing" by Entrepreneur magazine and One of LinkedIn's "Top Voices" in Marketing & Social in 2015.

In 2001, at the start of the millennium and the age of digital marketing, the first version of The Zen of Social Media Marketing became a worldwide hit. The following years, the updated editions assisted even more entrepreneurs, marketers as well as students or professionals from all sorts deal with the stressful digital world. The newedition, which has been fully revised, gives you the most current knowledge of how social media marketing has changed , as well as specific steps that will show you precisely how to make money in a way that is easy and efficient.

If you're a beginner, struggling, or mastery-seeker you're aware that participating with social media isn't any more a choice. People are discussing your business online, and you must be a part of the conversations. However, marketing on social media is not like traditional marketing, and treating it this way will only lead to frustration and ultimately failure. With The Zen of Social Media Marketing, Shama Hyder, a social media expert and the president of The Marketing Zen Group, shows you how to achieve what it takes to get the "Zen" of using social media tools to achieve your own personal marketing nirvana.

The latest issue of the book The Zen of Social Media Marketing includes:

An in-depth explanation of how social media is effective and how to make use of it in order to drive visitors to your site and fan page.

A tried and tested method to attract fans and followers and turn them into customers or customers

Latest trends in social media and step-by step guidelines for apps and sites like Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and many more.

- Innovative tips for mobile design

Important advice on Content marketing, marketing via email videos, and specific strategies to boost your SEO

New information on why what, when and when to utilize online ads

Self-expression is the primary driver behind social media and how you can leverage it to benefit your business

Learn from the opinions of hundreds of top entrepreneurs and online marketers and strategies to succeed

The Dancing Chicken

5.0 out of 5 stars

An excellent book for anyone in E-Commerce or social media marketing.

Reviewed in the United States on February 24, 2015

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My husband bought this for his new business (Clear Water Bidets). He was a social media neophyte and he has really enjoyed this book. It is now filled with post-it flags, highlights and 3x5 index cards of notes. The writer makes the subjects very easy to understand and gives easy to follow instructions about how each of the major social media outlets work. He reading it for the second time and highly recommends it to anyone in ecommerce.

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Elatia Harris

5.0 out of 5 stars

Buy the Book, and Say Goodbye to Craziness, Flailing and Misdirection

Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2010

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I discovered what a resource Shama was last year when I bought her ebook -- her site, her blog, and her TV interviews are goldmines freely available to all. This year, the purchase of _The Zen of Social Media Marketing_ enables you to enter a password-protected zone of Shama's site that continuously updates and develops what's in the book. Social media will evolve, but not ahead of Shama, that's for sure. So her book is not the final word, but the doorway to a path you will always be on.

What Shama offers is a system for conducting your social media campaign with dignity, transparency, respect for your clientele, efficiency and effectiveness. No flailing, no time lost, no craziness, no misdirection. And, most importantly, no steep learning curve only to find out what you've just learned no longer applies. Anything you learn will always need fine-tuning. This is the "living book" that acknowledges that, and leads you by the hand through a changing landscape.

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Jason W. Sokol

5.0 out of 5 stars

A Must Have Book for Marketers, Bloggers and PR Pros

Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2011

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Are you just getting started with social media or have you been using it for a while? Have you thought about how social media tools like Twitter and Facebook can help attract new customers to your business? Are you looking for ways to help tie your website efforts to your social media efforts? These are just a few of the questions Shama Hyder Kabani answers in her book, "The Zen of Social Media Marketing" (amazon affiliate link).

Regardless of your experience level, "Zen" is an amazing resource that can help you get the most out of your entire Internet marketing effort.

Rating: '''''

Damn Simple Summary

"The Zen of Social Media Marketing" is by far the best social media book on the market. Not only is a talented writer and teacher, she provides a number of details that are often missed in many social media efforts. Shama takes you on a journey from defining your reasons for using social media to providing a wide range of case studies that any business owner can learn from. Regardless of the size of your business or category, you must read this book if you want to be successful in today's marketplace.

Who Should Read This

Marketers, entrepreneurs, small/large business owners, social media beginners/experts, and bloggers will all find value in Shama's excellent book.

The Damn Details

Shama's brilliance shines through within the very first chapters of the book. The reason for this is simple - she doesn't start her social media book by talking about social media. Instead, she starts at the hub of all your Internet marketing efforts, you website or blog.

Shama's observations about website development are worth the price of the book by themselves. From that point on, everything else is just a treasure. So why start at your website/blog? Image ordering the world's most delicious hamburger only to discover that the meat is missing (of veggie pattie if you prefer). Everything starts and ends at your website.

Next on the list of Shama insights is her ACT model. ACT stands for Attention (gain someone's attention), Convert (draw her interest and turn her into a consumer), Transform (move her along the buying cycle from an interested consumer to a loyal customer). This is an incredibly simple model that, if applied right, can help you streamline your web efforts and get the most out of them.

Speaking of getting the most out of your Web marketing efforts, Shama then cuts through all the hype surrounding the dozens of social media services that are available today and provides clarity on the issue. I won't give away Shama's secret here - you will have to pick up the book to learn more.

My personal favorite was the section on using video. I have always been a big fan of YouTube and Vimeo, but after reading "Zen" I will be taking my video blogging efforts in a whole new direction (you will have to wait until later this year for this).


Social Media is quickly becoming a must-have tool in any marketer or small business person's arsenal. It's ease of use and low barriers to entry make it a perfect platform to tell your story. But before you jump into social media, make sure you have a clear understanding of how to best use these powerful tools. run out and buy your own copy of "The Zen of Social Media Marketing" today and start building your own online business empire.

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Clark Dickenscheidt

5.0 out of 5 stars

The "How to use Social Media" guide book

Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2011

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I picked up Shama's book after purchasing Jeffrey Gitomer's "Social Boom" on Amazon. I needed another purchase for free shipping and figured another book on the subject could not hurt. I chose Shama's because of the title, reviews and all the info I found on her through her own pages. It is obvious she knows a bit about Social Media!

The book is great! It is a real "how to" guide, step by step and offers lots of insight and ideas of things to explore online.

I have not yet read the book entirely. I have had it for two weeks, and read a few pages daily but every time I read a little I am drawn to the web to try out, test or explore what I just read!

I am excited to get to the end and then start over to really Learn all Shama has to offer!

She also practices what she teaches in the book - follow her on Twitter (@shama) and you will find out, and while you are at it - follow me too! @katytexaspi

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Tim McEneny Sr.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Loved this book! Explains how the various Social Media tools fit together.

Reviewed in the United States on September 21, 2011

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When I first started to learn about the various Social Media tools, I had a good knowledge of how to build and use websites. So I went out and bought a book on twitter and started tweeting. Then I bought a book on Facebook and built a profile. Then I bought a book on blogging and started my own blog. These books were all very good, but at a certain point I felt a bit overwhelmed and confused. How did these all fit together? Do I now even need a website?

Sharma answered that question on Page 17 when she said that "your website is crucial" and then went on to explain how all the Social Media pieces can work together.

If you want a detailed, technical book about a particular Social Media tool, this may not be the book for you. But if you want to understand the big picture, "The Zen" is the book for you.

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Matthew Bovell

5.0 out of 5 stars

Book Review: The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Kabani

Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2010

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I stumbled across Shama Hyder Kabani over a year ago on Twitter. That in itself says something. Her presence on Twitter got her exposure. As I followed her "tweets" and then visited her web site, I found someone with a clear voice, a positive can-do attitude and a real commitment to social media, which entails among other things, interactivity. Shama, who at the time didn't know me from Adam, responded to my tweets and inquiries. It was clear that she practiced what she preached. So I was eager to read her first book on the subject.

In The Zen of Social Media Marketing, Shama lays out an explicit approach to forming a social media strategy and then guides you in how to use the three most well known social media tools, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. For good measure, she throws in a "guest chapter" written by Dave Kaminski on the subject of using video in your marketing.

If there is one lesson to be taken away from Shama's book it is that social media is about relationship building. The old marketing tricks of the past where a passive audience of potential customers were force-fed your message just doesn't cut it anymore. The Internet has changed all that. Consumers are now participants in the marketing process, and that process now needs to have give and take. Using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter as the three legs of the social media stool, Shama shows you the do's and don'ts of each platform. The book concludes with case studies illustrating Shama's points in real situations. If I had one minor criticism of the book it would be that there are too many case studies and I found some redundancy in terms of making the point. One case study in particular featured a web site owner who felt it necessary to explain in detail the cause for which he was marketing. I didn't find it necessary at all and his point could have been made without so much description.

Shama supplements her book with an online workbook so you can read her ideas and then immediately start constructing your plan. As a result, the book is not some simple intellectual exercise. It is a practical do-it-now guide. I must admit it was an added benefit that the book was available on the Kindle, which is the edition I read.

This review is excerpted from my blog post at [...].

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Great advice from an author with a proven track record

Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2011

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The author, Shama Hyder Kabani, has built a highly successful business with social media. The expertise that is shared is coming from someone who's achieved much success in building an online brand. No theory here - just proven strategies to build success with social media. The book is easy to read, practical, step-by-step, informative and to the point. The information will never be outdated because you can login to the Marketing Zen Website and have access to future updates. It truly is the last social media guide you will ever need. I especially appreciated the chapter on how to utilize LinkedIn. I look forward to continually implementing Shama's social media strategies well into the future.

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K. Farro

5.0 out of 5 stars

good read!

Reviewed in the United States on May 7, 2021

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good read!


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5.0 out of 5 stars

The ONLY social media book u should read

Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2011

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I enjoy reading blogs because they are usually short, informative, and get to the point quickly. Blogs have to be short and sweet or else people will click away. THE ZEN OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING is written like a blog. I love to read outlines, bullet points, and small dialogue boxes, just like an academic textbook, except ZEN is actually engaging.

It's a great reference book as well, because there are entire chapters devoted to one social media platform. The chapters on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are fantastic. Tells me everything I need to know about those sites: how to start a page, success tips, everything.

My favorite chapter is the one about video, where Dave Kaminski of Web Video University is the guest author. I follow Kaminski's podcasts, which are the best and only source for web video, and his contributing chapter in ZEN summarizes the state of web video right now and how you can take advantage of it.

I can't say enough about how good this book is.

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Dennis E. Horvath

5.0 out of 5 stars

The Zen of Social Media Marketing presents new information on why self-expression is the true driver of social media use and how

Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2014

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The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue (New Edition), Shama Kabani, Dallas, TX, BenBella Books, Inc., ©2013, 2013, ISBN 978-1-937856-15-1

I am currently updating my social media presence, so I reacquainted myself with The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue (New Edition), updated in 2013. Drawing from the author’s and other people’s experience, Shama Kabani has created an excellent social media marketing resource.

By working through a number of resources, Kabani helps you discover the correct social media mix for you. She feels that the Zen of Social Media Marketing is about understanding the mind-set of people who are using social media and then using this knowledge to your advantage.

She teaches you:

• Where social media marketing fits in the bigger scheme of things.

• How to make your website or blog the hub of your online marketing efforts.

• How to drive traffic to your sites.

• How to build credibility and establish expertise.

• How to build your online community of fans.

• How to leverage your past success to gain future customers and clients.

• The #1 reason people fail at social media marketing and how to avoid that mistake.

Kabani presents new information on why self-expression is the true driver of social media use and how to leverage it for your business.

Upon completion of Zen of Social Media Marketing, I immediately began updating the benchmarks in my social media process to celebrate car culture.

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Bobby Borg

5.0 out of 5 stars

Shama did a great job with laying out this topic

Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2016

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Shama did a great job with laying out this topic. The only problem is that a lot of the information (the specific stuff) outdates quickly. I still recommend it, especially the latest version----whatever that is.


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Technology Runs Amok Novelist

5.0 out of 5 stars

Light at the end of the tunnel

Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2011

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I enjoyed your Zen book very much. I feel as though you've come to visit for a few days to share stories. I came away with geniune wisdom that was stated and driven home on numerous levels. The topic of social networking impressed me as a get-on-the-band- wagon a la Pied Piper, but I wasn't convinced why it was important for my company. Too much hype in the literature and unsupported claims. But when i realized that blogging could reinforce what my company delivered -- critical thinking -- I found myself engrossed with the tool set with no idea how to choose among them and with what priority. I've read widely and found Shama's book to be inspirational and educational. It provided a fundamental rationale for the "tools" with insights on how to use them to engage people, exchange ideas, and maybe form a relationship and brand promise. Shama has a very conversational style that invites readers to come along for the ride. But Shama is not a spin doctor. I read the book just before I set about to create my company's new weblog and in doing so relaunched a 14-year old company. I've avoided many potholes and find myself aware of others. Shama has established trust. Very satisfying and enjoyable. The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue (Enhanced Edition)

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Great Intro to Utilizing Social Media for your Business

Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2011

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Exactly what I needed as a basic, no-nonsense approach to Social Media Marketing.

I had a decent grasp on how to use Facebook for my personal account, but only a flimsy idea of what social media sites can do for my start-up. I found this book to be incredibly useful for the latter, teaching me about functionality I did not know existed, as well as using the functions I knew about in eye-opening ways.

Twitter was a foreign beast to me, but after reading this book I'm tweeting like a #pro!

This is a very quick read, and easy to skim over the chapters you don't need (sorry LinkedIn, but I'm still not that impressed...).

A must-buy for those of you just getting started with social media marketing for your business, big or small.

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Les McKeown

5.0 out of 5 stars

A comprehensive, actionable and very accessible guide to social media for anyone seeking get started with social media

Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2010

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Shama Hyder Kabani's book "The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue" provides a comprehensive, actionable and very accessible guide to social media for anyone (or any organization) seeking get started with social media as part of their marketing mix.

By far the most impressive (and comforting) aspect of "The Zen of Social Media Marketing" is its voice: rock-solid, real-world information delivered with authoritative ease and grace. At a time when social media marketing is becoming overrun with so-called gurus add no value to the platitudes they recycle (much as internet marketing was in the last decade), Shama's obvious ease with her subject, combined with her unambiguous, straightforward advice makes the reader feel that they are not just reading a book, but are listening to a trusted advisor.

As a business growth consultant who needs to understand social media both from the perspective of how it fits into my own marketing strategies, and how it can and will impact my clients' businesses, I chose "The Zen of Social Media Marketing" as my go-to reference book as a direct result of Shama's "been there, done that", real-world experience - experience that seeds every chapter of this book with straightforward, common-sense advice.

Don't let the title of this book confuse you. Despite the 'zen' reference, apart from a brief contextual reference in the introduction and opening chapter to 'letting social media work for you' (rather than trying to shoehorn it into doing what you want it to do), this is no woo-woo dissertation on the ephemeral aspects of social media; it's a hard-hitting, streetwise book with real-world strategies and tactics that come from someone who obviously understands the realities of business (Kabani Hyder has a Masters degree in Organizational Communication from the University of Texas at Austin, and has run three companies so far).

Packed with intuitive, insightful tools (like 'ACT' - how your web site and blog can 'Attract, Convert and Transform' clients and customers), brief, pointed 'AHA!' moments in sidebars, and dotted throughout with entertaining and highly informative 'directors-cut'-like commentaries from other luminaries and practitioners in social media, "Zen" starts with the foundational basics (the need for a web site and blog as your 'base camp'), moves through intermediate advice (e.g. the use of Facebook Groups and domain name forwarding) and includes some advanced techniques (like how to use LinkedIn Groups to access a premium feature - InMail - for free).

Wisely, Kabani Hyder doesn't try to cover the waterfront of every social media tool (Plaxo, anyone?) but instead concentrates exclusively on the foundational need for a web site and blog, then focusses on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Throughout, the author explicitly refuses to engage in "gee-whizzing" - the (unfortunately very common) current tendency to overhype what social media can do. Quite the opposite - we are regularly entreated to be very realistic about what the likely outcomes might be from our social media activities.

The final two chapters (a Q & A with other social media advisors and practitioners and an FAQ-like series of questions the author answers herself) provide an opportunity to see other perspectives on some of the issues the book discusses, and acts as a catch-all for some topics that don't readily fit into any of the preceding chapters.

"The Zen of Social Media Marketing" might not deliver anything new to a seasoned social media practitioner (they're not the primary audience for the book), but for any busy neophyte, or someone paddling in the shallows of social media who is looking for just one resource to pull from the cacophony of books, courses and boot camps currently available on the topic, this might well be the exact resource you're looking for. It certainly was for me.

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Michael GreenGold

5.0 out of 5 stars

"the zen of social media marketing..." without the learning curve stress!

Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2011

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"the zen of social media marketing..." is a true enlightenment into social media marketing,etc. and beyond through our own introspection and intuition! This is a read that will build on each read as you go forward with it!

"the zen of social media marketing..." will start with what is known to you today in 2010/2011 and then move you forward into social media marketing and beyond without the learning curve stress! This is a pleasant departure from other guides! Read, The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue Learn,Use and Enjoy...Michael.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Excellent book

Reviewed in the United States on March 12, 2012

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This book is excellent. I am completely new to social media. I'm in my 50s and have never had the time or the inclination for internet socialising. I've recently set up my own business and have realised social media is where it's happening from a marketing point. I therefore bought this book on a "need to know" basis. What a revelation. Shama is clearly super knowledgeable in her field. Not only does she make the whole concept and technical aspects easy to understand (amazing for a technophobe like me) she makes it interesting. I enjoyed the book so much I couldn't put it down. An absolute bargain.

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Eric Olsen

5.0 out of 5 stars

The Most Practical Social Media Book Yet

Reviewed in the United States on May 12, 2010

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I've probably read a dozen social media marketing books over the past year. Shama's far and away offers the most useful material. I now have tangible next-steps for how to plus up my social media efforts. Just not a theoretical understanding of what needs to happen. In fact, I've been spending the last few days updating my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles and methodologies just based on her high-level strategies. Haven't even started digging deep yet.

Plus, with free online updates for life, you can't go wrong here.

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Brian Tomlinson

5.0 out of 5 stars

The Zen of Social Media Marketing (Book Review

Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2010

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So I just got done reading an amazing book. The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue by Shama Hyder Kabani. Now I was anxiously awaiting the release of this book for quite a while now since I came across Shama in Business Week's Top 25 Entrepreneurs Under 25.

Shama is the president of The Marketing Zen Group and from the get go I was extremely enthralled by her story and was immediately drawn to her love of Social Media and the power of Social Media in the future of business on a whole. After being rejected by corporate America, she saw through the corporate fears that social media marketing was just a `fad' that would go away in no time. I think we all know that that's certainly not the case.

She is a wonderful example of an entrepreneur for all of us. Taking a "No" and turning it into a "New Opportunity" and building her vision into a fruitful business while branding herself into a got to person for Social Media. She herself is an interesting individual with a self proclaimed "Book a Day" reading habit. I don't know about you but that's pretty interesting in my book.

The Zen of Social Media Marketing is Shama's first book and it is a fine one at that. She brands the book as the last Social Media guide that you will ever need and truly delivers on that promise as you are able to find the book itself online at [...] where you enter the code you receive after purchasing the book and you have instant access to a piece of literature that will be updated as the Social Media climate changes and new tactics come into play. This alone is priceless.

The book itself offers great content and covers everything from Online Marketing Basics, Blogs, SEO, Facebook, Twitter, Video Marketing. It turns out to be a perfect guide to taking the leap into marketing online. The tactics provided will be useful to those just starting out as well as to more seasoned marketers.

One of the most powerful Chapters in the book is probably the one on video, where Shama (despite having her own video blog at [...]) hands the reigns to Dave Kaminski of Web Video University, she clearly believes that Dave will provide more value to her readers being the expert and he surely delivers. He covers in great detail the use of video and offers up some great pointers that we can all learn from.

All in all the book is an easy read, is affordable (Amazon has it cheapest), and offers up great value given the fact that you will have access to an updated version online on a continuous basis.

This one comes highly recommended.

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Mitch Jackson

5.0 out of 5 stars

Excellent Social Media Marketing Overview...

Reviewed in the United States on May 18, 2010

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I highly recommend this book for ANYONE interested in getting more involved with Social Media Marketing. Shama does a very good job of taking someone by the hand and walking them through the entire online process. She explains what you need to do, why you need to do it, and how to get it done. I recommend this book to anyone or any business interested in using social media to marketing to help build their brand or market their service, profession, or company online. Mitch Jackson

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Excellent, practical book. A MUST read.

Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2011

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Shama Kabani not only talks the talk, she walks the walk. Check out her website, Twitter feed, or video blog to see that she's extremely active and current in the social media space. After reading several books on the subject, this was a breath of fresh air. She does not overly complicate the matter, but instead gives very practical, specific advice. I wish I had read this book first, before wasting my time with some other books that spend 90% of the book trying to 'convince' you to use social media for your business and explaining the difference between 'traditional' marketing and social media. Well, some of us already get that, but need some direct, common sense advice, tips and strategies to make it happen. That's what this book provides. It's a quick read but an invaluable resource - I have several sections highlighted, dog eared and covered in notes and post its. Already I have seen return on some of her simple ideas. Buy it, read it and dive in!

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Five Stars

Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2016

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Good stuff here. Some of it basic, but good review and some great ideas. Recommend.


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Curtis Newbury

5.0 out of 5 stars

Going Social

Reviewed in the United States on May 11, 2010

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I am owner and operator [...]. I bought the book, Zen of Social Media Marketing, from Amazon, naturally. I have learned credible things from this book, I have it with me when ever I sit down (Except for Dinner). I have been in business for all of my adult life (40 years)and missed the most important point of how I did business. (making it all about me and how great I am.) I am rebuilding all of my sites to include the customer's opinion and things that potential customers can use).

I am shooting a movie, see [...] and will apply Shana's plan on podcast video. I think all the benefits of that will be phenomenal. It will be of great interest to many, espcially those interested in making movies and watching movies.

Script releases, outtakes, interviews, how to's, and more will be the fare. All free, yet highly Google adsense-itive. I agree with Shama, but I never considered ranking as a reward for podcasting video. There was a time when you could buy the ranking on MSN and yahoo. Very productive. I would be in heavan to get those numbers of hits. Now Shana is sending me to heaven without me having to see St. Peter... I just want to thank you, Shama. Feel free to use any quotes you want to use from this review to Amazon (whom I uses profusely). - Curt Newbury

Curt Newbury Studios * Dallas

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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

I leaned a lot about how to use FB, Twitter & Linkedin

Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2011

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If you want to learn how to incorporate Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (and more) into your marketing efforts for your business read this book. The book has a website where you can find updates, some new content, and a free workbook. Should you start a website or blog? This book suggests combining the two to save time, money and effort and calls it a blogsite. The author walks her talk in her own marketing efforts. She has some experts contribute sections in the book which are outstanding. The chapter on video and the associated resources is excellent.


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Thessy Onyenedum

5.0 out of 5 stars

Five Stars

Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2016

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Great basic starter book for social media

Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2014

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A really great starter book that can help inform people so they can choose where to focus their social media marketing.


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Patricia Troyer

5.0 out of 5 stars

Taking the Sting out of Social Media Stuff

Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2011

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With all of the great reviews it seems redundant to add my two cents worth, but Shama's book really does provide the umbrella over the social media process -- something important if you're serious about participating. Highly recommend it, and the online update feature just sweetens the pot. The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue


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Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

A Gem!

Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2011

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I am just finishing up my Graduate School career and the biggest gap in my marketing degree was social media marketing. But, for our final class of the semester, my professor told us to pick a book to read and discuss in class, and I am so pleased I chose this one! In the past 2 years of school we have talked around the topic of social media and discussed the problems marketers face with it, but no one ever really pointed me in the direction of a solution- and maybe it's because all the traditional marketers "go against the grain" and try to turn the social media beast into a traditional marketing platform. But needless to say, I think I found this book at a crucial point for me. I am inspired! I have dog eared and highlighted all over the book, and I have only had it a week! Not to mention I have pretty much told all my marketing friends about this book.


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Michael GreenGold

5.0 out of 5 stars

"ZEN OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING : Enlightenment Through Introspection & Intuition!!!...

Reviewed in the United States on March 22, 2013

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>>>...>>> "ZEN OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING", Circa 01.2013 is an Inside / Out way for US to build Social Media Marketing Success which is dependent first on our establishing TRUST Relationships, then cultivating the Relationships to the Ends of Building Credibility, the Generation of Buzz, and to Develop & Increase Revenue, etc...

The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue

>>>...>>> Through Enlightenment By the use of Introspection & Intuition techniques, Shama Kabani ( @Shama on Twitter ),Author, Authority, Team / Thought Leader & Founder of "The Marketing Zen Group", provides expert commentary and examples, etc. from her team and group's works which effectively demonstrates, in 254+ Pages, 13+ Chapters, practices of goodwill and honesty, etc. that can produce results far beyond any "traditional" marketing campaign, begetting a ZEN-like, pay-it-forward viral phenomenon that is strategically effective and financially rewarding!!!...

>>>...>>> "ZEN OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING" is All the Benefits of Social Media Marketing without the Stress. Social Media is a crucial tool for Business Success...NOW / TODAY...It is not like "traditional" marketing---and treating it that way will only lead YOU to frustration & failure.

>>>...>>> A Suggestion <<<>>> INVEST / PURCHASE your copy of "ZEN OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING" and discover by your use for yourself how Less-Stress ZEN - Mind / Body Marketing can work to the Advantages of YOU, Your Team / Group and Your Prospects, Clients & Customers, etc...NOW / TODAY...>>> Marketing Nirvana awaits YOU!!!...>>> NTK >>> By The Way, It Worked For ME!!!...>>> Michael...

2 people found this helpful


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Required reading for marketing students and professionals

Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2018

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Love it! Required reading in my Personal Branding class and it should be required reading for all marketing professionals!


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Five Stars

Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2018

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The only book you need if you want to understand business in the current age!

Lee C.

5.0 out of 5 stars

If you wonder why some people get a lot of attention in Social Media ...

Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2014

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I knew NOTHING about social media marketing. Some people do a simple post and get loads of comments, shares, likes, etc. I'd rarely get interest like that. Now I know what not to do (what I WAS doing!) and what to focus on. This book teaches you how to relax and just get into the flow of marketing in today's world. Hence the name "The Zen of ..." Old style marketing just does work anymore. This explains why then goes right into what DOES work now.


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A Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars

The Zen of Social Media Marketing

Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2011

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This book is very informative for the beginner social media marketer. It covers everything, gives examples, and is easy to understand. I recommend it strongly. It will also make a good reference. Not something you just read and put away.

One person found this helpful


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Eliana Esparza Writes

5.0 out of 5 stars

The Wizard of Social Media!

Reviewed in the United States on March 12, 2013

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Shama Kabani has written a gem of a book. You can not call yourself a social media marketer if you've never read her little magical book. Kabani's book is like the wizard guiding me through this maze of social media marketing.

One person found this helpful


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Social Media Gem Discovered!

Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2010

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The Zen of Social Media Marketing" hits the nail on the head with a a no-nonsense guide to effectively using social media to market yourself or your business. Filled with practical tips and real-life examples, Shama Hyder Kabani illustrates strategies for utilizing Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to market effectively and identifies stumbling blocks to avoid going "too far".

If you are just diving into the Social Media world, this book is a fabulous intro. In addition to being thoughtfully organized and relateable, it is an easy and enjoyable read. Shama clearly outlines effective strategy in layman's terms with practical tips and reachable goals. She spotlights real, everyday people and how they are using social media to successfully achieve their marketing goals.

This is a book that you will want to refer to again and again. Each time I open it, I find a new sidebar article I hadn't read before, or a tip that I overlooked. If you spot this bright yellow book, don't pass it over - its a social media gem!

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alex wilson

5.0 out of 5 stars

zen of social media marketing

Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2010

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After other readings and two classes on social media marketing, I still did not fully grasp it. Shama Kabani's guide did it. It is an easy read chock full of relevant info lucidly provided. As a new author with a growing body of work for a waiting world, I desperately needed to 'crack the code' to exposure to online literati and Shama has opened that door.

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Michael W. Drafke

5.0 out of 5 stars

Very good overview

Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2011

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This book provides a very good introduction and overview of social media marketing and with access to the constantly updated version is an excellent value.

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Mary Beall Adler

5.0 out of 5 stars

Easy & Relaxed Guide to Social Media Marketing That Has Changed My Life.

Reviewed in the United States on May 18, 2010

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I pre-ordered Shama's book. I've been sitting back and following Shama on Twitter and Facebook for months. Most of the usable ideas and tools for effectively using social marketing mediums, I received from her. I expected "the zen of social media marketing" to be a gem because, after listening to Shama over months I realized she has a certain simplicity and clarity about her that's unique. I was not disappointed. In fact, I could not put the book down. I read it straight through, front to back, then back to front, and I'm still using it to double check my social media set up. What I love are Shama's easy and relaxed explanations for technical things. She makes social media doable for non-techie people like me. I am CEO of two, small, unrelated businesses. Social network marketing started getting ahead of me and I realized I must separate the companies and have a clear plan of action for each of them. "the zen of social media marketing" gave me the basic structure for organizing the approach in an easy, relaxed, healthy, and positive way. It has definitely changed my businesses bottom lines, not to mention the stronger sense of community it's helped us to create.

Shama is an inspiration. Her passion for social media marketing shows transparently through the structure of her book. She made it very user friendly.

It's really cool that she includes a workbook and a game plan!

Also, I had no clue what ping.fm was and Shama, for the first time, was able to present it in a compelling sensible way.

This is a must read for anybody interested in social media marketing.

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mary anne radmacher

5.0 out of 5 stars

Got an old "marketer" on a new track

Reviewed in the United States on February 22, 2011

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This put me in a great position for new thinking about the old

construct of "marketing." Clean. Clear. Concise.

2 people found this helpful


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5.0 out of 5 stars

Perfect SM Guide!

Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2011